Monday, March 31, 2008

Cheered up

Rain has been too depressing so to cheer us up I bought a dollar pinwheel and 2 dollars of plastic flower stakes to plant outside for viewing and another dollar companion cat for my dollar cat on the porch eating table. The Easter bonnets on each cat will have to suffice for my new head gear. I felt my new spring wardrobe was incomplete, however, so after I saw a $2 sweatshirt with sunflowers on it at Ohio Thrift, I knew what I also had to have. Now I feel better all around. Also splurged on ‘Fair Trade’ coffee which has been certified environmentally sustainable. The eco-friendly purple print is impossible to read on the package so with a magnifying glass I confirmed that the purchase has been certified by two numbers ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. How much you ask? Pray tell $6.29 for 12 ounces. But to offset the extravagance, I recently obtained another fair trade pocket blend of coffee beans which I liberated (into my jacket pocket) from the coffee grinding bin at Wal-Mart because it was overflowing with neglected leftovers begging to rescued. The fair trade price was free and the beans lasted about 5 days. Yesterday I was further cheered up by the ½ price sale of whipped yogurt. Raspberry and strawberry flavors for 20 cents each. How many did I put in my cart? I won’t tell, but with pancakes and bacon and home-made maple syrup my husband and I shared 1/2 of a container. The other 1/2 went with lunch. 5 cents per sitting. Now lunch was another cheery affair. Over the lettuce you won’t believe what I was able to pile up before the Ranch dressing took hold: raw onion, fresh green pepper, raw garlic, raw Jerusalem artichoke ( recently dug up) peanuts, chow mein noodles, sesame pieces, black walnuts, shredded cheese, cheesoes ( husband only) fresh broccoli, cucumber, beets ( wife only) and olives. A local newspaper published my essay on ‘Would you believe?’ (words from Maxwell TV show remember?) The very next day after submission, in fact. This is after my recent victory of 2 published essays revised for my son under his name. Tonight is some stupid worldwide event to turn out the lights around the world. The dumb idea came from Australia.(where a daughter resides!) Yes, you guessed it, 8 PM time two rebels in our home will light up the first floor (2nd is too much to bear) just like Rush Limbaugh suggested because no way will we join environmental wackos who think God should rescind his first order "Let there be Light." Only the fires of Hell would be appropriate as their candle power.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

The toll of war

The only color that matters is red,
1.5 million horses and mules dead.
Execution for desertion, a Bad Death
The thought of Heaven on dying breath
A Good one. For just cause, surviving alone
or lost to the significant word, UNKNOWN.
Whether Gettysburg or Gallipoli, blood shed in sod
Equally leaves soldier to fame, country and God.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

No April Fool

No April Fool
1. His play book: the creation of crises, nationalistic appeals to unity, the celebration of martial values, the blurring of lines between public and private sectors, the utilization of mass media to glamorize the state and its programs, invocations of a "post-partisan" spirit that places the important decisions in the hands of experts and intellectual supermen, and a cult of personality for the national leader.

2. The state must provide "a new basis of security and prosperity." My "second Bill of Rights" offers "a useful and remunerative job," a "decent home," "adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health," "adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident and unemployment,’ and "a good education."

3. "A place where every child can find knowledge to enrich his mind and to enlarge his talents. It is a place where leisure is a welcome change to build and reflect, not a feared cause of boredom and restlessness. It is a place where the city of man serves not only the needs of the body and the demands of commerce but the desire for beauty and the hunger for community."
Minus the martial values and plus the guarantee of a woman’s right to choose abortion, all three above platforms continue today as embodiments of liberal fascism. 1. John F. Kennedy’s policies, 2. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s words and 3. Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society couldn’t say the ‘F’ word better. The ‘ism’ prevalent on the left in 2008 is still Fascism, albeit a nicer Fascism. It crusades as socialism, secularism, nihilism, elitism, populism, statism, pacifism, liberalism, multi-culturalism, animal rights activism, moral relativism, pragmatism, sexism, consumerism, environmentalism, feminism, homosexualism, racism, lesbianism, Black nationalism and progressivism. Liberals on the left seek a "brave new world," fashioned out of a nicer Fascism.

Check out Jonah Goldberg’s book, LIBERAL FASCISM.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Nice fascism

Pericles knew that "Happiness depends on being free and freedom depends on being courageous." Freedom and democracy as interchangeable ideas, appeal to man’s basic instincts. Pericles’ inspiring words, however, leave open the possibility that courage can apply to the pursuit of an appealing evil. Fascism. Jonah Goldberg writes that "Fascism is the product of democracy gone mad." This 2008 season, we’re involved in two March madnesses; one from basketball finals, the other from nice Fascism. Fascism represents a 3rd seductive way between capitalism and socialism, a "middle" way offered, for example, by one Presidential candidate, Barak Obama as a way of hope and change. He and his opponent Hillary Clinton, attempt to sell Fascism as a way to restore in a person a sense of belonging to something larger than oneself. It sounds un-radical and moderate, but it’s still liberalism, Communism, Americanism ( a new name) and socialism, each a Fascist, progressive lie. In practice Fascism demonizes those who block the third way of a Utopian society. Mean Fascism of the past, often eliminated obstacles like the bourgeoises, the unfit, the greedy, the individualist, traitor, the Jew by murder. The progression of Fascism from its founding fathers - Rousseau, Robespierre, Marx and Lenin - represented a gradual meanness, an evil content. The targets of today’s nice, Fascist liberals differ. They include the capitalist, the obese, the wealthy, the stupid, the smoker, the self-reliant, the conservative, the military, the Christian, et alii. The hope and change preached by both Obama and his progressive, political rival Hellary, represent the "middle way" of nice, liberal Fascism.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


I have a button that proclaims, " I AM SURROUNDED BY IDIOTS !"which my family objects to my wearing in public because they feel it reflects poorly upon them. But when I was reading the opinion page on Thursday’s, March 27, RECORD HERALD, I had to find my button and put it on. Columns by Donald Kaul and Kelle Louailler, members of the Certified Loony Left, demanded that I wear appropriate attire when reading their wacky rambles.

Comrade Kaul applauds films nominated for Oscar awards because they "reflect grim life." One thing they all have in common besides extolling anti-Americanism is that the films were all losers. They lost money and audiences avoided them in droves; what better recommendation to Hollywood elite than to proclaim them true art. The obscenely wealthy of Hollywood like nothing better than to attack "predatory Capitalism." Of course, they are major beneficiaries of Capitalism and feel guilty about making so much money from crap.

Comradess Louailler in her screed urges America to "Vote for worst corporations." She prattles on about how corporations are the enemy of the environment, public health, economic justice, obesity and diabetes. Poor, poor Kelle does not realize that Americans have already voted. I took a quick look at the stock prices of her ‘worst companies" and found that while the S&P 500 Stock Index only went up 22% in the last 10 years, the stocks of her villains went up considerably more. Wal-Mart up 100%, Toyota up 100%, Archer Daniels up 75%, Nestle up 60% and Wendy’s up 53%. Only Mattel went down by 40% and I ascribe that to sexism; Barbie at 50 has lost her sex appeal from her teenage years. I surmise that any corporation that Comradess Louailler would approve will lose money and depend on a government subsidy to produce products that American don’t want. Like most Hollywood art films.

I am sure Kaul and Louailler must be giddy over the economic plans of Democrat candidates Obama and Clinton. Both plans are designed to reduce all Americans to equal misery and poverty.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A bad idea

Would you believe that Hillary Clinton qualifies as tough on foreign policy because she came under sniper fire when visiting Bosnia 12 years ago as First Lady? Or that Obama was conceived as a result of Martin Luther King’s march in Selma, Alabama and President John F. Kennedy’s efforts to bring African students to this country? When Hillary recently was caught by the media in a lie about her Bosnian visit, she copped out with the excuse, "I do a lot of talking. I misspoke for the 1st time in 12 years." Obama has yet to respond to his lie. When Maxwell Smart tried his "Would you Believe?" line on his boss in the TV comedy GET SMART, his boss knew never to believe his bumbling detective. How does one know when a politician lies? His lips are moving.
So... would you believe we need alternative sources of energy because of global warming? Should you believe meaningless propaganda like America can’t "lose the global race for energy?" No. There’s no stopping a bad idea - energy independence - whose time has come even if it is based on a lie. Our economy runs on oil and will continue to do so for a long time. Energy independence is "hogwash," says Robert Bryce. Oil companies own only 10% of the world’s oil reserves and America has plenty of oil off Florida, on the East and West coasts and especially in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska.

The environmental and economic impact of global warming due to the release of greenhouse gases like CO2 from fossil fuels (oil and coal ) is a lie. We Americans are living under the smog of toxic environmentalism. Ethanol is more expensive to produce, pollutes the environment just as or more than existing sources of energy and makes other commodities and foods more expensive. Have you noticed the increase in the cost of grocery items such as milk, chicken, beef and eggs? Britain’s swine production is literally pigging out because global wheat prices have doubled since 2006 because of the rising costs of grain grown for biofuel production. American farmers can’t be blamed for following the money by growing corn for ethanol. Robert Bryce calls ethanol, the "largest scam in our nation’s history." It says it has become "entangled with that other impossible-to-repeal boondoggle, agricultural subsidies." Auto manufacturers and cleanup operations also stand to profit from our "global race for energy." The newly mandated light bulbs are more expensive and dangerous (from mercury) than existing ones. Would you believe even the vice-chairman of GE has called the global warming idea "bunk?" Yet he will not resist taking its rewards to the bank. That’s why a print ad for GE reads that "more and more, the global economy needs energy alternatives." The ad shows GE’s advanced biogas engine using "organic agricultural materials." It might produce lower CO2 emissions than fossil fuels, but at what cost to the company, the stockholders and the consumer?

Would you believe the government is capable of efficiently running initiatives such as the research, development, implementation or marketing of alternative sources of energy? Only if you buy into another delusion. If government wastes 76 cents of every dollar collected from the American public via taxes, can we allow the feds to manage environmental spending? Scot M. Faulkner points out in his new book on government spending that government wastes in 5 ways: inefficient operations, inflated overhead costs, poor administration, questionable procurement policies, and an array of fraud and abuse. Without a fixed rate imposed on federal spending as part of the economy, the fed’s spending problem will never be solved. Presidential candidates want to add health care and product safety to the existing failed programs that give back to the public only $.25 of every $1. Since government never makes a mistake and a program once begun rarely dies, we’re in for it when a bad idea like alternative energy sources takes hold.
Would you believe that many environmentalists, who formerly demanded the immediate use of biofuels, now think they contribute substantially to greenhouse gases? What irony! CO2 increases because farmers clear forest land to grow biofuel crops. Deforestation causes a large, quick release of carbon into the atmosphere when existing plant life is destroyed.. Alternative energy sources such as jatropha (a shrub), miscanthus ( a grass), corn (you know this American savior) palm oil or pampas grass are - would you believe - inefficient? It is unclear whether there is enough land or water to keep boosting biofuels’ production at its current rate around the globe. The law of unforseen consequences is at work in the global warming religion. We may be Hell-bent on alternative energy sources, but we cannot control the future use of coal in China (90% of its electric source ) and India or their carbon emissions. The Devil will be in the details.
If you believe that both automobile consumers and taxpayers in general are willing to pay additional monies for the questionable benefits of energy solutions, you approve of a lose/lose situation. GE calls its biogas engine, "part of the blueprint for a better world." What we are building from a faulty blueprint, unfortunately, is a house of cards. Oil, coal and gas are world-wide, plentiful gifts. Windmills, solar panels and ethanol waste the energy of politicians, scientists, pundits and Americans on false promises and premises. Why fall for a bad idea whose time has come?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hillary says, "Would you believe, that going into Bosnia (12 years ago as First Lady) our plane crashed in flames from an enemy attack and I had to crawl across the airport runway under sniper fire"? A reporter objects, " But there is record of a crash." Hillary attempts another tack, "OK, would you believe that we landed and I had to duck and run under sniper fire?" The reporter again replies, " But our film shows you standing in a receiving line with children." Hillary, tries again, "OK, would you believe that I bent over to help the little girl reading the poem pick up the flowers she dropped?" Reporter satisfied concludes, "That sounds more like reality." When Hillary recently was caught by the media in a lie about her trip to Bosnia, she copped out with the excuse, "I do a lot of talking. I misspoke for the 1st time in 12 years." Maxwell Smart’s boss in the TV comedy GET SMART know not to believe his bumbling detective. We ought not to believe much of what we hear a politician say. How does one know when a politician lies? His lips are moving.

Would you believe we are living under the smog of toxic environmentalism? I know it sounds as crazy as a first scenario from Maxwell Smart or Hillary Clinton, but unfortunately in this case it’s true. There is no stopping a bad idea whose time has come even if based on a lie. Now that the idea of biofuels has caught on now many environmentalists, who formerly demand immediate use of biofuels, now believe they contribute substantially to greenhouse gases - those responsible for global warming - instead of reducing them, as was previously believed, in part because farmers clear forest land to grow biofuel crops. Deforestation causes a large, quick release of carbon into the atmosphere when existing plant life is destroyed. Also, how efficient are jatropha (a shrub), miscanthus ( a grass), corn (you know this American savior) palm oil or pampas grass? It is unclear whether there is enough land or water to keep boosting biofuels’ production at its current rate of increase around the globe. The law of unforseen consequences is at work in the global warming religion. The Devil is in the details With so many challenges ahead for increasing oil supplies, the world will have to get used to relying on biofuels - or another alternative? Or will we? Are there alternatives?

You should believe that the environment and economic impact of global warming is based on a second lie, that government is capable of efficiently running any initiative such as the research, development, implementation or marketing of alternative sources of energy. If government wastes 76 cents of every dollar collected from the American public via taxes, can we allow the feds to manage environmental spending? Scot M. Faulkner points out in his new book on government Naked Emperors, having worked in Washington trying to trim federal spending, that these are 5 causes of waste? 1. Inefficient operations, 2. Inflated overhead costs, 3. Poor administration, 4. Questionable procurement policies, and 5, an array of fraud and abuse. I can. Without a fixed rate imposed on federal spending as part of the economy the problem will never be solved. (Candidates want to add health care and product safety to their failed programs that give only $.25 of every $1). The lie (fantasy) of global warming begs to be abused. Since Government never makes a mistake and a program once begun rarely dies, we’re in for a rocky ride due to the impact of the bad idea of global warming and alternative sources of energy.
What does it mean to be in a "global race for energy?" These four meaningless words to be part of a bargain with the Devil because they sound compulsive while at the same time beg for hope and change. ( vague words echoing from Barak Obama ). Ethanol, for example, is more expensive to produce, pollutes the environment just as or more than existing sources of energy and makes other commodities and foods more expensive. Have you notice the increase of in the cost of grocery items such as milk, chicken, beef and eggs? New light bulbs have been mandated more expensive and dangerous (from mercury) than existing ones. Farmers seek higher prices for corn. The auto makers will profit from subsidies too. Even cleanup operations will benefit. All based on a lie whose time has come. Would you believe even the vice-chairman of GE has called the global warming idea "bunk" but will not resist taking its rewards to the bank. And why not? Profit is the name of the game.

A print ad for GE reads that "more and more the global economy needs energy alternatives." The ad shows that GE has developed a biogas engine using "organic agricultural materials." It produces lower CO2 emissions than fossil fuels. But at what cost to the company, the stockholders and the consumer? Would you believe that both the automobile consumer and the s taxpayers are willing to pay additional monies for the questionable benefits of energy solutions? Furthermore, if the government keeps taking money out of the pockets of Americans to encourage and subsidize environmental policies and we Americans approve, its’s a win/win situation. GE calls its engine, "part of the blueprint for a better world." I call it a bad idea whose time has come.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter plus one

"Many a man lives a burden to the earth, but a good book is the precious lifeblood of a master- spirit embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life." John Milton in 1644 ought to have known even though he spent over twenty years of his productive life blind. If a blind man sees the truth why must sighted souls choose to remain in the dark? On the first day of risen life, why can’t most Americans ( and all God’s begotten children) choose to spend at least one hour of a day reading- just the same amount of time Jesus’ disciples couldn’t spend with Him the night before He died? Two hundred years later, in 1849, an avid linguist, reader and writer, Henry David Thoreau, still echoed the enlightened refrain that, "It takes two to speak the truth - one to speak, and another to listen." Why do so few listen? During this the season of a March madness to the final four, we few, we happy few who seek a life ‘beyond life,’ continue to hope that other sports fans will join us players off the court at a game of solitaire called reading.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


"Knowing cats, a lifetime of cats, what is left is a sediment of sorrow quite different from that due to humans: compounded of pain for their helplessness, of guilt on behalf of us all," wrote Doris Lessing, author and ailurophile. But does sedimentary sorrow differ if grief bears down from suffering the loss of a human or a cat? Yet when anthropomorphic grief cuts for some humans just as deep, hopefully the human doesn’t distort or deny the nature of the beast. A happy, redemptive thought occurs to me. Through the eyes of love, whether green, gold, copper, azure, grey, brown, violet or black, the omnipotent power, knowledge, love and mercy of God breaks through. We ailurophiles intuit it, feel it. The helplessness of cats inspires our enabling; their inability to sin sometimes causes our sense of guilt. A dichotomy of levels of existence uncovers a source superior of both of us. Neither of us has nine lives; just one. How much of ours is measured by an appreciation of theirs?

Saturday, March 22, 2008

An Easter thought

University of Chicago economist Gary Becker ‘gets it.’ He wisely observes of those who took on mortgages for properties and houses they could not afford because real estate prices were soaring: "They gambled ( also hoped) that the good times would continue indefinitely." When the chickens of greed, narcissism and speculation came home to roast, Gary again ‘nails it’ when he observes that the borrowers successfully shifted (also rationalized) responsibility for their bad decisions to others or society (expecting bailouts, of course ) creating a ‘moral hazard.’

Likewise, Adam and Eve chose to gamble. For their loss, however, they not only suffered the consequence of their action, but also created a moral hazard. Jesus fixes all that! Humanity biggest, best bailout hung on a cross. By Christ’s death and resurrection, he redeemed the world of its sin of hubris. Are we sufficiently grateful to amend our irresponsible ways?

Friday, March 21, 2008

A Good Friday thought

Since childhood, through the days of the my rotary, black phone and RA 8 - 5632 to today’s time of modern cellular communication that has still left me behind, I have pursued a personal way of the cross. A sweet song about love says, "to each his own." A unique, painful trip to Calvary continually confronts me. I must shoulder a solitary, difficult genetic burden. The pre-Christian message of Protagoras (485-410 BC) that "man is the measure of all things," provides me inspiration. To measure ourselves, the Green philosopher said we must measure our "arete," honor. We must continually ask if our thoughts and actions, especially actions, are noble enough, measure up. Do I reach Golgotha? How often do I fall and - rise? Let’s face it, no help will be given. I am keenly aware that Simon the Cyrene was virtually useless to alleviate the sufferings of Jesus. My lonely journey hopefully ends with forgiveness and redemption. Is there an alternative walk? Is there a way to pass the cup? I think not. Payback time on earth is brief.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Magical rituals (things done)

The amazing surrounds us. On this the 1st day of spring, March 20th, 3 robins were vying for nesting rights on the sunny, gravel driveway outside my window.

Will the world end in fire and ice? During this season of the ritualistic March Madness, central Ohio would probably vote for a final flood because rising waters surround us after unprecedented, torrential rains.

Carl Sagan the astronomer liked to wonder about the "billions and billions of stars."

Arthur C. Clarke wrote a story about Tibetan monks attempting to name the 9 billion possibilities of the name of God, but when they reached the last annunciation, all the stars began to go out.

1. Cell theory of life, 2. Germ theory of disease, and 3. Gene theory of inheritance utilize the idea of atoms. These three natural phenomena, discovered by scientists over the years, can be analyzed in terms of fundamental building blocks.

Mating rituals, nature’s rituals, imaginative rituals, evolutionary rituals - all seem magical. Arthur C. Clarke concluded that "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

School's out

Let’s be blunt. If it weren’t for sports and extracurricular activities, many students (most?) would not choose to attend school. Therefore, radio AM 1490, WBEX, devotes inordinate time to celebrate the divisional championship of the Chillicothe Cavaliers. What’s to celebrate? A one point victory? Sheer luck! I hear the call for a city-wide celebration, not for bended knees and prayers of thanks. As usual, a sports achievement alone merits respect; only a championship off the academic field pulls the community together.

Let’s be candid. The conditions for public education often require wasting learning time. Snow days = dismissal. A pep rally for the Cavaliers = early dismissal. A championship game = postponement of the student achievement tests. Musicals, plays, sports activities = no time for reading or homework. The rule of majority in a democracy = faking, fudging and fixing scholastic text scores and ratings. To borrow a quote from Michele Obama and take it out of its pathetic, anti-American context, "the soul of America is broken." Why? How?

Let’s be honest. The rebellious few, the lonely, proud, nerds of yesterday and today like me, still believe a "mind is a terrible thing to waste."

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Black Moses

Either/Or, Yahweh or Jehovah, no matter. He whose Hebrew name translates as "to be" or "to bring into being," namely the Lord-God, sealed a covenant with a murderer Moses. As a young man, Moses spied an Egyptian smiting a Hebrew, one of his brethren. When he saw there was no man watching, he slew the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. So says the a Biblical account. The message, I presume, relates to the concept of evil, injustice and solidarity. God appeared to Moses in the burning bush in what historians of religion call a theophany. God chose Moses to led his people. Why the paradox of a chosen one being flawed? God is inscrutable. I AM THAT I AM appeared to Moses and by doing so entered into every man’s life, treating man as a kind of equal. In Biblical times, the sealing of this covenant between Moses, the leader of the chosen people and Yahweh, usually called for the sacrifice of an animal, circumcision of sons, keeping holy the Sabbath and obeying the law, the Torah.

Until today. Now that the black Moses has been chosen, all bets are off. Our black Moses, Democrat presidential candidate, Barak Obama has re-invented himself as the Grand Old Patriarch. As his ‘spiritual advisor’ he chose a purveyor of hate in his sermons on the Sabbath. At my last check, hate still is defined as the antonym of Love, the message of the one, true God. For two decade in his chosen ‘synagogue’ Obama joined followers of a ‘different’ Yahweh who approved of abandoning the 2nd greatest law to "love one’s neighbor as one self."

No matter. Obama’s planned, political speech rationalizes and denies these realities enveloped in the message of Uncle Reverend Wright. No matter; it’s just tactics. A white leader named Snowball, employed tactics in ANIMAL FARM to further his lies. Obama’s white mask - or is his blackness the mask? - works. His blind followers are falling for his lies. Black Moses won’t lead us out of bondage in Egypt to the promised land. Use your imagination or apply double ententes to your imagination. (Remember the words sacrifice, circumcision, holy and law). Imagine where Obama’s racism, hatred of America, socialist politics, divisiveness, calls for change and hope will take us. In ANIMAL FARM, poor, forgotten proletarian Boxer, was sacrificed, emasculated, lied to and eventually just worked to death.

Monday, March 17, 2008

A tradedy

The apiarist Maeterlinck reminds us that "To him who has known them and loved them, a summer where there are no bees becomes as sad and as empty as one without flowers or birds." The poet Yeats also appreciated the "beeloud glade." One lb. of honey necessitates 37,000 trips to collect nectar. Bees are the only creature Allah directly addresses in the Koran. Fertilizer for the soil contains various combinations of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash. Fertilizer for the nature lover with an anthropomorphic bent is a golden throng of bees.

Their tempers are shortest on chilly and rainy days but anger par excellence erupts when their lives are turned upside down. A delivery truck containing numerous hives of honey bees recently overturned on a California highway. All stinging hell broke loose. All efforts rallied to re-locate hive and queen. All ramifications of this event spelled tragedy and sadness.

Imagine the disappointed farmers and fruit growers. Imagine the food frenzy for bee-eating predators. Imagine the painful confusion of workers, both men and bees. I can’t imagine how fate could sanction such an accidental end to sweetness and life.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Random thoughts

We can’t choose where we are born but we can choose where we will end. A person who can’t get used to repetition won’t be successful. These two statement might be insights from a simple, famous person, one of nine children, prize-winning boxer Evander Holyfield, but their wisdom runs deep. The need for constant stimulation and change has ruined the work ethic and stunted the intellectual output of Americans, young and old.

. Though in the minority in America, liberals control the media and the media is the message heard the most. Television, radio, books and the Internet vie for attention - getting much of it - but the wrong messages for responsible living dominate the airways. They hate Christians, guns, the profit motive, political speech and individual rights. They are infatuated with abortion, the environment and race discrimination (solved by "affirmative action"). Obviously what’s holy has been re-defined. Because each arguments or positions is based on a lie, there is no foundation for debating with them. Prayer is a conservative’s only resort. For example, former First Lady, Hillary Clinton said: " If the wrong side wins in this war on children, what will be lost is our nation of who we are as a people and what we stand for as a society." Implied is a conservative’s war on children. Denied is the fact that liberals favor an indiscriminate death penalty for children via abortion rights. Hellary’s message is a deliberate lie. What inspired Hillary’s lie was the proximate cause of free student lunches paid for by the government at the expense of the taxpayers.

Do I hate liberals? My thought-through response to this question: The Devil loves them. How could he not be overjoyed? The Great Satan is the Great lover of the lie. Evander Holyfield told the truth when he described the secret of a successful life. A liberal would expect him to live a lie.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Western Canon

Some opinions from experts put the importance of Western culture into perspective. They are especially relevant at the dawn of the 21st century when democracy deniers and denouncers, looney liberals, radical socialists and anti-American literature and history intellectuals are afoot running a marathon around the globe. Rubbish I say.

"Openness, freedom, knowledge, generosity, beauty and humor," are the contributions of the West to the free world, says George Weigel.

"The story of literature never ends; the same is true for the wonders of the West," say I, a bibliophile.

The canon of Western literature includes writings for the ages, not "period pieces." according to Harold Bloom. They are "authoritative in our culture. For entrance into the Western canon, strangeness is the prime requirement (strangeness meaning a unique contribution).
The literature, philosophy and thought of Shakespeare are paramount. "His mind is the horizon beyond which we do not see," said Ralph Waldo Emerson.

The centerpiece of the Western canon is English writer William Shakespeare, asserts Harold Bloom.

"The nearest thing in incarnation to the eye of God," said Laurence Olivier of Shakespeare.

Who do we believe? The perverse thinking of immature radical activists, incapable of impartial analysis of literature and history or.. the rational experts and me? "What is to be done?" asked Lenin whose answer was the second wave of the transformation from democracy to socialism to the Utopia of communism or ... the lonely action of a great read?

Friday, March 14, 2008

Are we smart enough?

If our masses remain uneducated and our ‘educated’ media have their way, we might as well be content with watching socialism water down the American land with liberal rain and pray that the roots don’t take hold too far down under our houses. Day by day the roots of liberalism spread deeper into the soil of America. We face the spectacle of politician vs. politician in the race for the Presidential office. What we know, just as certain as death and taxes (which go up with liberal Democrats) is that the next president will be a politician. Another fact is that the three candidates are merely American politics-as-usual marionettes. Someone will be pulling the strings. Do the hands belong to the people willing to live with socialism or to the people with intelligent brains focused on liberty?

The goal of socialism is to create another Land of milk and honey right here in the 21st Century with the government distributing the nectar and ambrosia. Socialism is defined as the system of social organization in which the means of production and distribution of goods are owned and controlled collectively or by the government. ‘By the government’ is the goal of liberal Democrat politicians like Obama and Clinton.

Can’t you hear Obama shouting mellifluously, "What is to be done"? ( a question asked by Lenin) as his uncritical enthusiasts, applaud with approval without hearing his vision of what the country has been waiting for? Obama wears no flag lapel pin or pledges no ‘Pledge of Allegiance’ because, to him, they are "pointless displays of patriotism." Have you heard the hate speech Obama’s spiritual advisor Reverend Wright preaches from the pulpit of his church? A decade of this over-the-top anti-American rhetoric must have sunk in to some degree to convince Obama and his wife Michele that the "soul of America is broken." Give me a break.

Will the clouds part to expose rays of loving and peaceful sunshine over Hilary or Obama after Bush, the Prince of Darkness departs? Will class and racial conflicts really end? Or are they being encouraged and perpetuated with improper language and inaccurate facts from liberal politicians?

Oh well, why be so glum when the goal of socialism is happiness for the totality? Won’t we all be beneficiaries of benevolent dictators? When the front door bell rings, will we say, " Glad to see you Mr. Government, ‘bout time you made it here - never mind the mess - come on in. " For sure, we must talk lightly and hide our intelligence if we choose to embrace control of our diet, control of our fondness for smoking, control of our guns (not just for self-defense but for hunting), control of our money and control of our discretionary pleasures. Exit Thomas Paine’s idea of "Give me liberty or give me death." Who enters says "I feel your death pangs! "

A famous cartoon should remind us of the dangers ahead.. A donkey (a symbolic Democrat) is walking side by side with Uncle Sam down the dirt path to socialism. Along the path they see an elderly, disheveled man limping along towards them away from the socialist state. The donkey says to Uncle Sam "Ask the man who has been there?" Upon hearing of the woeful conditions ahead, the donkey, blinded by his own ignorance, refuses to believe he is not heading to a paradise and drags Uncle Sam on down the road. America can be no Paradise by eliminating free trade and treaties like Nafta that delivers more jobs and opportunity, by restricting immigrants who take entry level jobs and have more children, by controlling public school curriculums, by raising taxes, or by mandating universal health care.

Another joke, this one from communist Russia is in order. A surgeon, architect and a Communist diplomat were arguing as to whose art was the oldest. First God made man, said the surgeon, and from man he made woman - that was a major surgical operation. Ah, said the architect, before that he had made the world - that is an architect’s job. Perhaps so, said the diplomat-politician, but before he made the world there was chaos - tell me who made that?

During this election time, campaigns will be revealing whether we shall have socialism heavy or socialism lite. At present politicians are fixing the lists of voters as voters but voters could rig the elections themselves if they blinder critical thinking and just answer emotional calls. Listening to and watching politics is fun, but are we prepared to sit back on inauguration day and put the needle to the record of the new liberal party rhythm - the International? It’s a real toe-tapper.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

To Zack Space

On 1490 Chillicothe radio station this morning I heard a politician being interviewed. As he spoke I tried to ‘divine’ whether he was a Democrat or Republican, i.e. a liberal or a conservative.
1. Americans can’t afford to get to work.
2. Money wasted in Iraq could be used to cure diseases.
3. We went to war in Iraq over oil.
4. McCain said we’d be in Iraq for 100 years; we don’t even want to be there for 5 years
5. We need international help to fight terrorists.
6. Exxon Mobil makes enormous profits.
7. We need to take away subsidies to oil companies.
8. We are going to see long gas lines again.
9. We need to pursue renewable energy sources and hybrids.
10. I listen to my constituency.
11. I don’t want to give a ‘knee jerk reaction’.
12. We need to be ‘responsible.’
13. I’m pulling for Chillicothe.

Thirteen is my lucky number. As I listened to a lie,lie,lie,lie,lie,lie,lie,lie,lie,lie,lie,lie,lie, I knew I had a liberal spouting the liberal party lie lines. Good thing Mr. Space, I am not one of your constituents or I’d be letting you know loud and clear that you are not hearing me, not being responsible, not pulling for anyone but your party and their position on the wrong side of every issue because you see the world and America upside down. The cup is not ½ empty. I could refute each one of the above 13 points, but why bother? Trying to illuminate a closed- minded liberal is wasted effort. Facts do not support a single one of your statements. Common sense and fiscal responsibility never are reflected in liberal causes. Sorry Zack. I pray that you and your party never ‘take over’ America.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

We're still great

What has made America great? In the 1700's a popular, economic idea was "laissez faire" or let it be. In 1776 Adam Smith wrote that man "by pursuing his own self interest"..." frequently promotes that of the society more effectively than when he really intends to promote it." Progress results from a helping "invisible hand." In the 1800's Henry David Thoreau preached that "that government is best which governs least."

What has made America great? The fact that evil will eventually out though sometimes not until after the death of the villain. March 12, 2008, however, calls for an earthly celebration because the evil Democrat Governor of New York, Eliot Spitzer resigned after having been outed in a prostitution scandal (literally) though he had been prostituting to immoral progressivism and pursuit of power for his entire career.

What makes America great? No suicide bombers - just killers who commit suicide after massacres of family members or strangers. When will the suicide bombings stop in the Islamic world? "When they (mothers and fathers) love their children more than they hate us," according to past Israeli President Golda Meir. When will liberals stop inverting reality to conform to their world view? When they hate their blindness more than they hate their enemy, conservatism.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Air conditioning = Global warming

It’s just so simple, so obvious, why did it never hit me before - the insight, the answer to global warming? OPEC doesn’t have us by the ... neck as a local mayor thinks. We have caused the problem ourselves. Who will stop the bad idea about environmental meltdown whose time has come? The answer to the problem is self-evident but it will be dismissed. I know Americans in lockstep will throw money down into a money pit. Life is as perfect or imperfect as one’s attitude but Americans have no intention of abandoning their narcissism.

Global warming is caused by ubiquitous use of air conditioning. Since air conditioning has come freon full and now freon empty upon the summer scenes across this country, the dispelled heat has raised the temperature of our atmosphere by one degree. This is insignificant, of course. Yet, turning off or down the cool air and the enjoying the nature we are terrified of losing - are out of the question. Words like global warming cannot hurt us but regulations, profit-taking and religious fervor, like sticks and stones from environmental zealots are breaking the American backbone of reason and bring down the economy.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Juran Trilogy

Just as a vegetarian can never get to the meat of things, a liberal never can get to the heart of a matter if it involves truth and reason. A California judge recently ruled that parents "do not have a constitutional right to home school their children." It takes a member of the minority, a liberal proponent of socialism to throw out free choice, parental rights, truth and reason to serve the common cause. Why? Home schooling deprives the government and teachers’ unions of control of children’s thoughts and futures. The same agenda carries on near my home. A public service announcement recruits child care providers to provide a loving, home environment to infants and toddlers. The program will at "no cost to you" help set up a businesses caring for needy children that "every family will want to use." Give me a field in which to scream! Now, and since the 1960's, a vocal minority of liberals has attempted to re-defined family to mean a single working parent bent on personal gratification facilitated by governmental support, control, education and indoctrination of offspring (not too many, of course). The natural, two-parent, husband-and-wife helpmate version of child-bearing and rearing has become unnatural. Parenthood has abrogated its duties and destiny to a place where only universal care from others and the government suffices.

Joseph Juran, a quality control analyst who lived 103 years (to what avail? ) invented the 80/20 rule about the "vital few" vs. the "trivial many." He postulated that a small number of production problems results in most quality complaints. A ‘vocal’ minority, in other words, can rule. Even though Joe looked to solve a big production problem by concentrating on some devil in the details, his principle applies ubiquitously in a society or a culture. If a vocal, influential minority like a California judge, like one state, California, like a small, powerful assemblage of liberal Democrats in each state (including my Ohio under a Democrat Governor) or in either House of Congress are allowed to push their agendas - the majority of Americans will be forced to follow and conform. The Juran trilogy for a successful business strategy was "planning, control, improvement." Which 20% are planning and controlling but not improving our freedom and commitment to personal responsibility? Which 80% are allowing truth and reason to be chipped away in the process of this liberal, socialist, reconstruction?

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Truth or Liberalism

"Concealment of the historical truth is a crime against the people," wrote a General from the USSR in 1975. He ought to know, but liberals do not, cannot, deal with reality due to their upended world view in which America is the enemy of the world. Socialism for liberals would save mankind. With historical truth slapping them on both cheeks, liberals still deny him his due. I cite two different approaches to the solution of socialism. Christian missionaries in South America employ the idea of socialism when they require natives to produce goods which are then sold through a cooperative for community credit so that a new commodity such as a motor can be owned by the whole village regardless of who does the productive work. Socialism won’t work because some workers will be unequal to others and jealousy and sabotage will intervene. A liberal, academic, anthropologist, do-goober wants to buy the motor for the native villagers (like a government intervention) but when the missionaries say no, he compromises, not by forgetting the donation, but by depositing $500 into the communal account, the balance to be earned by the natives for the motor. Socialism doesn’t work because natives just whittle away the credit on purchases of gasoline to take pleasure trips in their boats or boats borrowed from neighbors. Capitalism would work if a $500 prize were offered to the villager who invents an improved method of production after which he could be additionally entrepreneurial by renting out his award-winning motor. Ingenuity and individualism have advanced civilization unlike retarded, tribal customs. This is historical truth. It would be a crime against reasonableness to conceal data that inspires achievement. Yet liberals who buy into socialism and equalization of income and intellectual achievement, disserve the people they hope to help. Any history textbook re-written from a liberal, anti-American, pro-socialistic point of view is a downer. It disserves our rational selves because truth is a terrible thing to waste.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Bird brains

March 7th blizzard whiteout,
Blowing, Drifting snow,
County under a level three.
Substitute John Deere plow
No mail, of course, could run.
Neighbor up at seven, shoveling
With his lawnmower’s blade,
And beginning his serial trips
In a truck, traversing my lane.
A level mind evaluates Nature
Differently from you and I,
Or my birds loyal, confident,
Hungry with anticipation
Of their rationed seeds,
(Even spring’s red-wings )
From a provider with a level one,
Highly evolved brain.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Word, word, what do they mean

"First confuse the vocabulary." The communist party leaders dutifully followed these words of instruction given to them by Russian revolutionary V.I. Lenin. This alpha instruction was meant to convey the cornerstone of communist control. The purpose was clear - confuse the language and confuse the masses so that you can control them. Barak Obama says, "I’m for change." Lenin certainly knew the challenges of maintaining social order ( which he called social democracy) and he did so by disordering the language into propaganda perfection. Obama represents "hope." Accurate thinking requires words of precise meaning. Communication between human beings is impossible without words whose precise meaning is mutually understood. Confuse the vocabulary, and people do not know what is happening, they cannot communicate an alarm; they cannot achieve any common purpose. Obama speaks of his vision of "one America not two Americas." He says, "Let’s begin the 21st century." Hillary Clinton says "Washington is broken." Confuse the vocabulary and millions are helpless against a small, disciplined number who know that what they mean when they speak is not what their audience will hear. Lenin hoped to change Russia by moving the people to follow his vision out of democracy to socialism and ultimately to communism. Do Obamamaniacs or Cintonistas care about the meaning of their saviors’ words or are they just enthralled by their leaders charisma? We are on the "brink of doing something special." I will "save the country," Obama intones.

Have you the American citizen noticed the vocabulary of politicians? Do the words’ clarity and consistency come to mind or do we find confused meanings rampant in our political culture? Are we consistently confounded by the speeches of our political leaders pandering to the 50% of Americans who choose to exercise their franchise? Will hope force politicians to return to common sense straight talk? McCain is a self- proclaimed straight talker but he’s bent on anything but talking straight. He wants to hug the center of the road but fails to mention that he drives on the British side of the road, the left side represented by compromise, political correctness and compassionate government. Obama and Hillary both say we should get off the road into the wilderness which eventually leads to a Utopian village on the edge of a swamp controlled by bureaucratic socialists.

Why have we allowed language in this age of media and technology to become inundated with unintelligible sentences and speeches? So far socialism has not been the force behind our culture of chaotic language. But when Obama says he will eliminate NAFTA that "has destroyed American jobs," what does this really mean? When Clinton says she will "revisit NAFTA," what does this portend? Are words meaningless tools to obtain votes? Americans are spoiled. They wallow in freedom of uncivil speech and personal enjoyment but democracy has left the language of the people languishing as it limps off the stage of ideas. Laziness in the public schools, by the politicians, the media and generations of families has broken down the communication of ideas to the point where the wheels of wisdom have fallen off.

The average citizen listens to the politicians in the same manner in which an art lover views abstract art. Since modern art represents nothing specific, the viewer must interpret and apply his or her own meaning. There is no objective or real meaning just fuzzy interpretation. What does hope or change or a broken soul mean? Also, what do rights, duty, responsibility, the middle class, free trade or democracy really mean? Is the number of literate, questioning citizens as small as leftovers at a sumptuous meal? Is the thinking class so few they now only communicate amongst themselves? What is most alarming is that those who only have the use of words without meaning cannot even communicate amongst themselves. That’s why they are called politicians. This election season, wispy words are garnering votes. A Russian socialist observed at the turn of the 20th century that "Any fool can help the spontaneous birth of a new social order."

As Hillary Clinton said about voters, "Be careful what you wish for." Since every vote counts for a politician, the broader the language, the more useless are clear and concise, proper words. Words are tools and what they mean is important. What a candidate says and what a potential voter hears should be mutual. "In the beginning was the Word." How many of us even know what that means?

Thursday, March 06, 2008

It's spring - almost

March 20th is the first day of spring, but not for me. I just read an anecdote in a wonderful book from 1951 called North with the Spring by Edwin Way Teale. One morning during his spring trip up the East coast of America, Teale observed a fat man in a rage throw a black kitten over a porch rail. When the kitten crept back up the steps to its ‘home’ the fat man, still in a rage, twisted the kitten "as though wringing a towel and hurled it over the rail" again. The kitten limped away as Teale comments on "a winter of the spirit that no spring could touch." 60 years have passed but the sadness and pain of this inhumaneness still touches me. What about you? I feel a wellspring of discontent.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Automobile or horse?

The Russian socialist Tuporylov knew that "Any fool can help the spontaneous birth of a new social order." V.I.Lenin adds that "Help of that kind is to surrender to Economism when Economism reigns and to terror when terrorism arises." What fools we Ohioans be! How far are we from a revolution when 81% of voters believe international trade has cost the state jobs? How far have we come when winner Hellary Clinton says her platform will "revist NAFTA." At least Barak Obama lost Ohio; he would have abolished NAFTA. Liberals like Hellary and Obama reverse the reality that a job lost is an opportunity gained. That many more new jobs have been gained from NAFTA, free trade and the free hand in our flat world than outdated, outmoded, unnecessary or inefficient jobs lost. Unless Democrats want to return to the days of the buggy whip and manure-laden streets, I vote for continuing to drive forward in a modern Tin-Lizzie, i.e. Minivan, compact car, sports car, SUV or pickup.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Primary Tuesday

Are we on the brink of "doing something special" as Obama hopes? Letting a speaker insult the intelligence of his audience with platitudes of hope and change? In the land of the hyper-mediated, letting the smooth talker reign as king? Following a politician whose representations of Americans and America bear only a coincidental relationship to reality? A candidate whose programs and policies like a phoney memoir receive approval from liberals because though filled with falsehoods and missperceptions still ring true? Whose symbolism becomes reality when his substance remains socialistic? Whose liberalism is a lie because liberals see reality as false and lies as truth. Will Ohio and Texas help put an elitist and philosophical vegetarian into the White House? One incapable of getting to the meat of things? I’m waiting with baited knife and fork. Aren’t you?

Monday, March 03, 2008

The enemy of my enemy

Beelzebub is a chief of the lost angels ranking next to Satan in Milton’s Paradise Lost. Traditionally, Beelzebub has just been another name for the chief of evil himself, Lucifer, the Devil, Satan who masters the perpetual fires in Hell. So, any enemy of the enemy is a friend. So which is which Beelzebub or Satan, Hellary or Obama? Each vies for the top spot, for power on the alternative throne. A minion of Hellary Clinton, Gloria Steinman, is correctly evaluated by radio talk show host Glenn Beck as spewing evil venom against a patriotic, suffering POW like John McCain as well as continuing to play the feminists’ 1960's sexism card. Even an elitist like Glenn Beck who takes pleasure in bashing his inferiors via his Friday’s Moron Trivia game can differentiate the darkness of liberal thinking from light. Obama and Hellary both hypocritically preach equalization of the rich and poor with no past, present or future intention of ever being equal to their minions. Both wish America to march down the dark road of socialism. Hellary certainly would embrace friendship with the enemies of her enemy Obama and vice versa. I would certainly look upon the enemy of a radical, socialist liberal as my friend. As another radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh says about Hellary and Obama, keep both of our enemies of conservatism in the race. Better to fight them in the light than later in the shadows. Beelzebub. Lucifer, the Devil, Satan, Mephistopheles, old Serpent, the Prevaricator, Diablo, Shetan, Demon, etc.- same enemy, different names.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Words, words, what do they mean

"First confuse the vocabulary." The communist party leaders dutifully followed these words of instruction given to them by Lenin. The alpha instruction was meant to convey the cornerstone of communist control. The purpose was clear - confuse the language and confuse the masses. I’m for change. Lenin certainly knew the challenges of maintaining social order (he called social democracy) and he did so by disordering the language into propaganda perfection. I offer hope. Accurate thinking requires words of precise meaning. Communication between human beings is impossible without words whose precise meaning is generally understood. Confuse the vocabulary, and people do not know what is happening, they cannot communicate an alarm; they cannot achieve any common purpose. My vision is of one America not two Americas. Confuse the vocabulary and millions are helpless against a small, disciplined number who know what they mean when they speak. Lenin hoped to change Russia by moving the people to follow his vision from democracy to socialism and ultimately to communism. Do Obamamaniacs care about the meaning of their savior’s words?

Have you the American citizen noticed the vocabulary of politicians? Do the words clarity and consistency come to mind or do we find confused meanings rampant in our political culture? Are we consistently confounded by the speeches of our political leaders? If we all just hope together, will the politicians return to common sense straight talk? McCain is a self- proclaimed straight talker but he’s bent on anything but talking straight. He wants to hug the center of the road but fails to mention that he drives on the British side, the left side. Obama and Hillary say we should get off the road into the wilderness which leads down a dirt road into the town of socialistic living.
Why have we allowed language in this age of media and technology to become inundated with unintelligible sentences and speeches? So far communism has not been the force that created our culture of chaotic language. So far just our own wallowing in freedom of speech and personal enjoyment has left the language of the people languishing to the point that it has solemnly limped off the stage of ideas. Laziness in the public schools, by the politicians, the media and generations of families has broken down the communication of ides and speech to the point where the wheels of wisdom have fallen off.

The average citizen listens to the politicians in the same manner in which an art lover views abstract art. Since the visual represents nothing specific, the viewer must interpret and apply his or her own meaning. What does hope, change, unite mean? Also, what do rights, work, middle class and democracy really mean? Are the literate, questioning and intelligent leftovers such a small number that they now only communicate amongst themselves? What is most alarming is that those who only have the use of words without meaning cannot communicate amongst themselves. This election season, wispy words are garnering votes. Since every vote counts for a politician, the broader the language, the more useless are clear and concise, proper words. No doubt words are important but what they mean is even more important. What a candidate says and what a voters hears should be a meeting of minds. "In the beginning was the Word," how many of us even know what that means?

Saturday, March 01, 2008


Adapted from an essay by Brian McLaughlin

Day by day the roots of socialism, masquerading as liberalism, penetrate deeper into the soil of America. We face the spectacle of politician vs. politician in the race for the Presidentcy. What we know, just as certain as death and taxes (which go up with liberals) is that the next president will be a politician. The unknown variable is to what degree of liberal socialism will be amended in American life. One more fact is that the three candidates are merely American marionettes. Someone will be pulling the strings. Do the hands belong to the people willing to live with socialism or to the people with intelligent brains focused on liberty?

There are powerful forces of liberal socialism at play - the goal of the game is to create another Land of milk and honey right here in the 21st Century. Socialism is defined as the system of social organization in which the means of production and distribution of good are owned and controlled collectively or by the government. ‘By the government’ is the goal of liberal Democrat politicians like Obama and Clinton. If our mass of citizens remain uneducated and our educated media have their way, we might as well be content with watching socialism water down the American land with liberal rain and pray that the roots don’t take hold too far down under our houses.

The Republican McCain on one side stands as a self-proclaimed straight-talker who’s bent on anything but straight talk. On the other side stand a man and woman bent on nothing more than extracting more money from us. McCain wants to drive down the center road but fails to mention he wants to drive on the British side - the left side. The other candidates say America needs to get off the road and drive into the wilderness which leads down the dirt road to a town that recently changed its name to Socialism (population ignorant, unknown but growing). In that town they also recently changed the welcome sign at the city limits from "We welcome Y’all" to a statement of solidarity among comrades, "All for one - one for all." After all, socialism is the stage of political development following capitalism, according to Marx and his follower, Lenin, which is itself a transition in society to communism characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles. Which is where we are heading.

Can’t you hear Obama shouting mellifluously, "What is to be done?" Then his uncritical enthusiasts, applaud with approval - not as he blows his nose - but as he explains that he is what the country has been waiting for, that he should take over. The world will be calm after 8 years of the Bush hurricane. War and Repubican hatred will not longer rain down on use. The clouds will part to expose rays of loving and peaceful sunshine. Class conflicts will end. Class rule will wither away. Marxist rhetoric sounds soo good, but socialism led to the totalitarian state of the Soviet Union and individual rights were discarded. Is it not amazing how words heard can say the opposite of what they mean?

Oh well, why be so glum when the goal of socialism is happiness for the totality. Won’t we too be beneficiaries of these benevolent dictators - McCain, Hillary or Obama? When the front door bell rings, will we say, " Glad to see you Mr. Government, ‘bout time you made it here - never mind the mess - come on in. " For sure, we must talk lightly and hide our intelligent sticks if choose to embrace control of our diet, control of our fondness for smoking, control of our guns (not just for self-defense but hunting) and control of money. Exit Thomas Paine’s idea of "Give me liberty or give me death." Who enters says "I feel your death pangs! "

As democracy is diminished and demolished, let us remember the comedy of communism and socialism. With great tragedy comes great comedy and the barrels of laughs are sure to be wheeled heavy in the barrows. Do you remember the famous cartoon from the Chicago Daily News? The Democrat ( a symbolic donkey) is holding hands with Uncle Sam as they walk down the dirt path of socialism. Along the path they see an elderly, disheveled man limping along towards them away from socialism. The donkey gleefully says to Uncle Sam "Ask the man who has been there? Blinded by his own ignorance, the donkey believes he is heading to a paradise, but we all know where we are heading - and it’s not to paradise. Unless - eliminating free trade and treaties like Nafta will deliver more jobs and opportunities. Unless - fewer immigrants will allow Americans find more entry level jobs and have more children. Unless - government controlled public schools will result in more education and lower taxes. Unless - universal health care will make each of us want to pay for our neighbors good and bad decisions.

Keep in mind, socialism does not bring about its intended goal of social order, called social democracy by Lenin; rather disorder and anarchic chaos as in Russia, China and Cuba past and Venezuela present. A joke from communist Russia is in order. A surgeon, architect and a politician were arguing as to whose art was the oldest. First God made man, said the surgeon, and from man he made woman - that was a major surgical operation. Ah, said the architect, before that he had made the world - that is an architect’s job. Perhaps so, said the diplomat, but before he made the world there was chaos - tell me who made that?

During this election time, most the the separate, specific issues which the campaigns will be discussing relate to whether we shall have socialism heavy (Hillary and Obama) or socialism lite (McCain). Amidst the tragedy of socialism we must be of good cheer because without politics the economics of comedy would be sent into a recession. The old Polish communist joke applies to voters today. A party official is on an inspection tour of the polling places and the official says:"How are the preparation for the new legislative elections coming along?" The party member answers: "All right. Preparations are going along very well. The list of the elected legislatures is prepared already. At the present time we are fixing the lists of voters.

Party officials do not need to rig elections this season. Obamamaniacs, Hillaryities and McCain supporters fix them themselves when they let blinder critical thinking and just answer emotional calls. That’s why politics is fun. But are we prepared to sit back on inauguration day and put the needle to the record of the new liberal party rhythm - the International? It’s a real toe-tapper.