Monday, March 28, 2022


Bored but unsettled due to fluttering eyes and balance disorder unidentified. Furthermore, the weather sucks, cold windy but sunny (to no avail). How can a teenage cat spend his normal day so mindlessly joyful and carefree?  A gift from God, of course.  The dinner bell rings for the big goldfish to come to dinner at the end of the pond and Stormy attends so that he can bat the fish on the head and then eat a few morsels of fish food too. See, I told you so goes a happy cat. Meanwhile, news of our cultural rot and lack of respect for life continues unabated with each news item. I guess viewership for the Oscars was at an all-time low  - deservedly. Home made dinner awaits. How blessed with a man who loves me in spite of all...  


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