Saturday, March 01, 2008


Adapted from an essay by Brian McLaughlin

Day by day the roots of socialism, masquerading as liberalism, penetrate deeper into the soil of America. We face the spectacle of politician vs. politician in the race for the Presidentcy. What we know, just as certain as death and taxes (which go up with liberals) is that the next president will be a politician. The unknown variable is to what degree of liberal socialism will be amended in American life. One more fact is that the three candidates are merely American marionettes. Someone will be pulling the strings. Do the hands belong to the people willing to live with socialism or to the people with intelligent brains focused on liberty?

There are powerful forces of liberal socialism at play - the goal of the game is to create another Land of milk and honey right here in the 21st Century. Socialism is defined as the system of social organization in which the means of production and distribution of good are owned and controlled collectively or by the government. ‘By the government’ is the goal of liberal Democrat politicians like Obama and Clinton. If our mass of citizens remain uneducated and our educated media have their way, we might as well be content with watching socialism water down the American land with liberal rain and pray that the roots don’t take hold too far down under our houses.

The Republican McCain on one side stands as a self-proclaimed straight-talker who’s bent on anything but straight talk. On the other side stand a man and woman bent on nothing more than extracting more money from us. McCain wants to drive down the center road but fails to mention he wants to drive on the British side - the left side. The other candidates say America needs to get off the road and drive into the wilderness which leads down the dirt road to a town that recently changed its name to Socialism (population ignorant, unknown but growing). In that town they also recently changed the welcome sign at the city limits from "We welcome Y’all" to a statement of solidarity among comrades, "All for one - one for all." After all, socialism is the stage of political development following capitalism, according to Marx and his follower, Lenin, which is itself a transition in society to communism characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles. Which is where we are heading.

Can’t you hear Obama shouting mellifluously, "What is to be done?" Then his uncritical enthusiasts, applaud with approval - not as he blows his nose - but as he explains that he is what the country has been waiting for, that he should take over. The world will be calm after 8 years of the Bush hurricane. War and Repubican hatred will not longer rain down on use. The clouds will part to expose rays of loving and peaceful sunshine. Class conflicts will end. Class rule will wither away. Marxist rhetoric sounds soo good, but socialism led to the totalitarian state of the Soviet Union and individual rights were discarded. Is it not amazing how words heard can say the opposite of what they mean?

Oh well, why be so glum when the goal of socialism is happiness for the totality. Won’t we too be beneficiaries of these benevolent dictators - McCain, Hillary or Obama? When the front door bell rings, will we say, " Glad to see you Mr. Government, ‘bout time you made it here - never mind the mess - come on in. " For sure, we must talk lightly and hide our intelligent sticks if choose to embrace control of our diet, control of our fondness for smoking, control of our guns (not just for self-defense but hunting) and control of money. Exit Thomas Paine’s idea of "Give me liberty or give me death." Who enters says "I feel your death pangs! "

As democracy is diminished and demolished, let us remember the comedy of communism and socialism. With great tragedy comes great comedy and the barrels of laughs are sure to be wheeled heavy in the barrows. Do you remember the famous cartoon from the Chicago Daily News? The Democrat ( a symbolic donkey) is holding hands with Uncle Sam as they walk down the dirt path of socialism. Along the path they see an elderly, disheveled man limping along towards them away from socialism. The donkey gleefully says to Uncle Sam "Ask the man who has been there? Blinded by his own ignorance, the donkey believes he is heading to a paradise, but we all know where we are heading - and it’s not to paradise. Unless - eliminating free trade and treaties like Nafta will deliver more jobs and opportunities. Unless - fewer immigrants will allow Americans find more entry level jobs and have more children. Unless - government controlled public schools will result in more education and lower taxes. Unless - universal health care will make each of us want to pay for our neighbors good and bad decisions.

Keep in mind, socialism does not bring about its intended goal of social order, called social democracy by Lenin; rather disorder and anarchic chaos as in Russia, China and Cuba past and Venezuela present. A joke from communist Russia is in order. A surgeon, architect and a politician were arguing as to whose art was the oldest. First God made man, said the surgeon, and from man he made woman - that was a major surgical operation. Ah, said the architect, before that he had made the world - that is an architect’s job. Perhaps so, said the diplomat, but before he made the world there was chaos - tell me who made that?

During this election time, most the the separate, specific issues which the campaigns will be discussing relate to whether we shall have socialism heavy (Hillary and Obama) or socialism lite (McCain). Amidst the tragedy of socialism we must be of good cheer because without politics the economics of comedy would be sent into a recession. The old Polish communist joke applies to voters today. A party official is on an inspection tour of the polling places and the official says:"How are the preparation for the new legislative elections coming along?" The party member answers: "All right. Preparations are going along very well. The list of the elected legislatures is prepared already. At the present time we are fixing the lists of voters.

Party officials do not need to rig elections this season. Obamamaniacs, Hillaryities and McCain supporters fix them themselves when they let blinder critical thinking and just answer emotional calls. That’s why politics is fun. But are we prepared to sit back on inauguration day and put the needle to the record of the new liberal party rhythm - the International? It’s a real toe-tapper.


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