Wednesday, March 12, 2008

We're still great

What has made America great? In the 1700's a popular, economic idea was "laissez faire" or let it be. In 1776 Adam Smith wrote that man "by pursuing his own self interest"..." frequently promotes that of the society more effectively than when he really intends to promote it." Progress results from a helping "invisible hand." In the 1800's Henry David Thoreau preached that "that government is best which governs least."

What has made America great? The fact that evil will eventually out though sometimes not until after the death of the villain. March 12, 2008, however, calls for an earthly celebration because the evil Democrat Governor of New York, Eliot Spitzer resigned after having been outed in a prostitution scandal (literally) though he had been prostituting to immoral progressivism and pursuit of power for his entire career.

What makes America great? No suicide bombers - just killers who commit suicide after massacres of family members or strangers. When will the suicide bombings stop in the Islamic world? "When they (mothers and fathers) love their children more than they hate us," according to past Israeli President Golda Meir. When will liberals stop inverting reality to conform to their world view? When they hate their blindness more than they hate their enemy, conservatism.


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