Monday, October 28, 2019


The left could now be conducting the largest 2nd hand smoke experiment ever, what with the fires burning out of control in California.  How will 2nd hand smoke of a raging wildfire affect the people as compared with the carcinogenic particulates of tobacco smoke????  As an enquring mind, I'd like to know. HO Ho Ho

And who cares what rich person's home incinerates itself?  Billionaires could re-build multiple structures with little financial pain. Where is the left's concern for the little ( and middle) guy (person)???

Monday, October 21, 2019

A Coup by the Cuckoos

According to Peggy Noonan, “the mood has shifted against Trump…” Oct. 19.  Wrong. If she thinks “serious and sincere professionals” will testify believably in Trump’s impeachment trial, she’s again wrong. Hearings neither can nor will come across as “an honest, good-faith effort.” A coup from deranged Democrat cuckoos could never be other than wrong.  What’s honestly sad today?  Distortion of the efforts by our President to sincerely improve conditions for Americans here and the positive perception of America as a decent country abroad.  What passes in disguise as an honest attempt by the left to characterize Trump’s “inner crazy” is just a cleverly engineered, leftist lie. Peggy’s shelf life as an unbiased, fair and balanced journalist has expired. 

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The final four

Requiescat in Pace to Elijah Cummings.  Better to point out the final four 'resting' low in the 9th circle of  Dante's Hell.  1. Politicians, 2. lawyers, 3. car salesmen and 4. real estate agents.  Perfect picture, right, the four perpetually attempting to out do one another with lies and self-serving. They'll never know that redemption is impossible.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Bring on the clowns

They brought on the clowns last night; luckily I missed it because I cannot receive CNN via my media messaging. Neither ROKU nor YouTube carried the Killer Klowns for me. How has America fallen so far down the unpatriotic hill that our  past President endorses a clown from Canada and our Presidential candidates act as leftist, media circus clowns?

On a higher plane, we took off 23 1/3 pints of honey from one generous bee hive yesterday, in sweet revenge for yesterday's dose of distasteful news.    

Monday, October 14, 2019


How could we have come to the point that Democrat Presidential candidates are ALL insane?  Watching them tomorrow at 8 pm will just be an exercise in dark humor.  Without a drink to console oneself, the elapsed time becomes torture.  But then, every coin has a flip side; find consolation in the obverse, please.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

What to fear...

Lauren's here from Munich - little to fear.  What's TO fear?  We watched the over 3 hour parade celebrating the 70th anniversary ( 1949 to 2019) of Communist China.  Wow! What ought we to fear besides the 1.5 billion people, disciplined and united? No much.  Impressive is an adjective too diminutive to do justice to the magnitude of the pageant.  Red is not dead.  

Thursday, October 10, 2019

How many reporters?

How many reporters does it take to cover an insignificant Democrat Presidential debate?  Too many, apparently - 600 - 700 according to a radio notice. My gosh!  And how many lawyers does it take to file a lawsuit over the death a girl accidentally hit by 2 cars on an early hour walk to her school bus rendezvous?  Too many.  Never before has and never again will this (unique) tragedy strike, but the family has 'lawyered up,' because something MUST be done to prevent this from happening again.  My gosh!    

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

A lot better

No, it's not a lot better to hear, "It's really going to make a lot better for me," from our 'intelligent' radio waves.  OR, an 'important' person opining that we "don't want to promote China's economic growth." Gone is proper English.  Gone is the free market. (Fewer imports from China simply means fewer, more-affordable products). 

Where is our 'last man standing' in a country that calls for emasculating testosterone?  Many men now fall down (every day)  from drug overdoses and paralyzing addictions. Will women like zombies rise to take their places?

Sunday, October 06, 2019


Ok, here are 4 uplifting American incidents recently recorded by me. 1. At the trial of the policewoman who accidentally but probably recklessly) shot a black man in his apt. that she mistook for her own, I saw  NO evidence of racism in America as the Christian brother of the deceased and the woman convicted of manslaughter, hugged for quite a while. (Every bystander was emotionally moved).  2. Parking lots of several churches this Sunday were FULL of worshipers in our 'civilized' city . 3. Free food from the local food bank allowed our pride not to go before our fall;  peaches went  into a crisp, ripe corn was delicious corn and huge zucchinis await. 4. I saw a well-dressed father shopping with his well-dressed and well-behaved daughter at my local food mart. How inspiring. Parenting at its best.  Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.    

Friday, October 04, 2019

Sports drivel

About a quarterback I'm told that "he starts looking people off."  About a football player, I'm told "the guy should have to stand stiff." Then I'm told "he's intimate" which rhymed with 'intihate.' Lastly, our silly Governor DeWine won't take a stand on sports betting in Ohio but will demand all vaping products be banned. His drivel is obliquely related to sports  via to casino gambling, but who can stand to hear from any more motormouths who do not know what their mouths are saying?

Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Do gooders do bad stuff

I can't brook "pompous, self-righteous do-gooders who decide how people should be allowed to act.  Knowing nothing about tobacco addiction or vaping which was a way to ameliorate the effects of tobacco, do-gooders are now banning vaping. Ignoring the fact that mostly youth vape an adulterated product, they try to ban vaping. Take this statement:  "I'm not opposed to what they're doing but I don't want it into action."  This comment alluded to the California law to now allow student athletes to be paid for using their names (about which I agree because it's the free market on parade).  Saying yes but wanting no is just another example of do-gooders saying we need to curtail smoking but at the same time, saying we need to ban vaping.    

Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Nothing's new

Nothing's new in language lost or political points gained.  I'll skip the current non-stop criminal intent to unseat Trump and skip to the silly stuff to lighten the load of nonsense.  In sports news, I hear that they (a team) "could be one for the ages." From another commercial I'm told it's "as easy as it should be," ( for something sold). And, did you know thousands of Americans die prematurely from smoking each year?  Premature to what? In His Divine plan how can anything be premature?  Leftist agenda driven misdirection and propaganda about smoking, vaping and drugging will NOT solve addictions.  Without them, advances in civilization in any walk of life would have not been possible.  Think about it.