Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Do gooders do bad stuff

I can't brook "pompous, self-righteous do-gooders who decide how people should be allowed to act.  Knowing nothing about tobacco addiction or vaping which was a way to ameliorate the effects of tobacco, do-gooders are now banning vaping. Ignoring the fact that mostly youth vape an adulterated product, they try to ban vaping. Take this statement:  "I'm not opposed to what they're doing but I don't want it into action."  This comment alluded to the California law to now allow student athletes to be paid for using their names (about which I agree because it's the free market on parade).  Saying yes but wanting no is just another example of do-gooders saying we need to curtail smoking but at the same time, saying we need to ban vaping.    


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