Sunday, June 30, 2019

more than trustworthy

I heard that an insurance agent is "more than trustworthy."  Meaningless right?  Well here's a statement from Thomas Sowell who is trustworthy issuing this timely gem:
“One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce, and canonized those who complain.”
This trilogy or trinity of the left controls our culture.  The liberal left denies the need for personal responsibility to make money and care for oneself and others to whom you have committed yourself.  They ignore the fact that laziness and self-indulgence are character flaws (read here moral failings).  They excuse complaining under the large umbrella of victimhood, prejudice, discrimination and  societal circumstances.  These to the left are three holy truths. Too bad they have not discovered or refuse to acknowledge the 10 commandments for right living, each rule granting you the right to choose a proper path.  I hear you object that the only commandment is love God and love your neighbor as yourself.  What does loving your neighbor as yourself really mean?  You 1st need to know how to live your life, morally, which today is bloody hard when no intact family with 2 parents exists for  guidance and when no dependence upon God supports your journey.  The left canonizes each person a saint per se who supports their trinity sans a saintly life.   Upside down, what the Devil would admire, the liberal left admires, to what a saint would aspire, they condemn as heresy.  Yep! 

Of course, I don't need to tell you this obvious fact, it was on full display 2 nights in succession for the 1st Democrat candidates' debates.    

Saturday, June 29, 2019

The good die young

Don't the good usually die young? A recent proof of this sad fact, appeared in the person of former President Jimmy Carter, aged 95, preaching that Donald G. Trump was not duly elected by the American people because of interference by the Russians in the 2016 election.  What nonsense!  What heretical, ideological  delusion.  Wisdom does not prescribe wisdom.  Jimmy's stance shows shades of the Spanish Inquisition, wherein the Dominicans, self-righteous in the tortures and deaths of proscribed heretics, went (I'm confident) confidently to their just rewards. 

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Bernie, Bernie, Bernie

Bernie, Bernie, Bernie, bad, bad, bad.  Don't believe me?  He wants to fulfill FDR"s vision of enshrining basic economic rights for all Americans.  Right!  Wrong! These rights include health care, a living wage, a decent job, a quality education, a secure retirement, affordable housing and a clean environment.  Did you notice something, anything about these rights? Right, they are NOT rights but duties flowing from your right to life, liberty and your pursuit of happiness.  Not a right but choice of  health care, of a living wage (you decides), of a decent job ( you define), a quality education (you impose upon yourself), a secure retirement ( from your sacrifices), affordable housing (on a budget anyone?) and a clean environment (from personal responsibility).  Bernie calls Trump "the worst kind of socialist."  Excuse me, Mr. Marx.  'To each his own' are 4 words capable of admitting any person into a billionaire class.     

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

A luddite

I'm proud to be a luddite, aware that bitcoin trades at $11,000 but oblivious as to its meaning.  Then again who but I and the 'other' will enjoy the comedy central show of Democrat candidates tonight?  Who but we could be proud to know that an accusation of collusion between the 4 top chicken producers in the U.S. to inflate prices is ridiculous. I just purchased 3.5 lbs of chicken legs for $2.34 which when processed in my pressure cooker and de-boned, melted in my mouth.  No I do not intend to consume 3 packages of poultry all at one sitting.  We luddites have again been subjected to news that today is National HIV testing day when you can get free 'shots' up until 7PM.  Our enquiring minds do NOT want to know what transpires in the outside world.  Except for the red tagged, reduced chicken.  

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Fed up? Look up...

Fed up with 23 (24?) Democrat candidates screaming like banshees about new gov't. handout programs and nannyism?  Look up the Green River Ridge cattle ranchers in Wyoming who work year round at 'something' for which they feel commitment and love.  Their documentary film makes for a better look at America, 2019.

I know you await another ridiculous ad. A local diamond jewelry store says, "They have the great ability to meet your budget." Interpretation, "We'll do anything to make a sale."

LGBTQ means no need for a  male/female dynamic. What will become of us as souls with a body created by biology, created by God.

A local 18 yr old shoots his 12 yr old girlfriend - to death.  Put these ingredients, a teen, a gun, a 12yr old and a girlfriend together, stir slowly around in inquiring mind and what concoction do  you think you are baking in our culture? By the way, why set his bail at one million dollars? Don't ask why!


Monday, June 24, 2019

My boss

Who is your  "certified project manager"?  Heard about him (her)  on radio this AM.  Also heard that the "beloved" ToysRUs brand is returning, opening new stores.  First to make it clear, my certified project manager is God.  No not that one described above in modern, politically correct lingo - your 'boss' at work.  Second, why is ToysRUs called beloved by a reporter when it could not make a go of it and went bankrupt eventually being bought out by new owners called speculators? Good luck.

My one/two punch this day has now been exceeded by a knockout when my too long and weakened, pinkie fingernail, split and ripped off. War everyday in the trenches.  Right?

Trump has twice 'unkept' his word. 1. Attack on Iran. 2. Roundup of deportees. What will be his knockout punch to finally force me to abstain from voting next election? 

Saturday, June 22, 2019

An elder writes

On the death of his beloved wife who was buried under a weeping willow, Elder Barton Warren Stone wrote in 1819:
    Beneath this grassy turf lies innocence and love;
    The willow  ends its flexible boughs above;
    Nor is her son, deep-sleeping by her side,
    Forgotten by the mourner, far-spread wide;
    It waves its bough o'er his infantile head,
    And sweeps the tomb, and murmurs o'er the dead.  

Life and death were so unpredictable then; snuffed out so inexplicably and unnecessarily now.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Stop for diabetes

"Your day doesn't have to stop for diabetes," says an ad I heard today from Walgreens. Ad this to an ad for a living community that claims, "You'll feel good about our decision, we guarantee it."  Truly, I'm sickofit...listening to local radio and ABC news.  Which is more phoney?  How can your day stop for diabetes?  How can your decision be guaranteed to feel good?  When Dueling for your attention, each medium kills proper use of language, rational thought as it abandons reality.

Pouring rain, another reality. It stops my day again. I'm sickofit.  Can I think of a benefit? Guaranteed? No, I'm sickofit. Wind, rain, my neighbor weeds her flower bed; she's found a way to ignore reality.      

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

you won't believe it

As Victor was wont to say on a British comedy, "One Foot in the Grave,"  I don't believe it... stuff I again heard on the radio.  Waste water cleanup is now called a "hazard negation project."  Money for it, of course, always forthcoming.  Also, a proposal from doctors and experts to provide magic mushrooms for treatment of "resistant depression."  Bring them on... Rain incessant... heat and humidity high...  so depressing when the smell of guano from  our resident bats is greatly enhanced.  Yuck! 

Monday, June 17, 2019

I, Diogenes

I'm like Diogenes, looking for an honest man (or woman).  No chance today. Lies begin and end with news and ads each day.  Trump can draw 150,000 for his kickoff campaign rally and the media says he'll lose the election to ANY Democrat candidate by 20 points.  Human beings are obviously invisible to the left.  Now on to more nonsense.

1. Homeless vets and students deserve housing while pursuing their education, so an Ohio program I heard about today will facilitate that end.  

2. Introduced, a new Ohio Law: A valedictorian and salutatorian must be awarded to the two top students. Really?

3. Yesterday was (at the same time) national apple struedel day and eat your vegetables day. Holding two contradictory thoughts simultaneously  - no problem.

4. A business ad claimed "quality wages."

5. An insurance company was the "insurer of everything you love."

6. A wealth-management company ad warned me that "headlines and markets are see-sawing."

Now don't tell me we aren't losing America one giant step full of ignorance at a time.   

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Walk the balance

The reader of ABC news says Trump needs to "walk the balance" between Iran and the US in the latest incident with Iran in the Middle East.   Who knew but me that the unbalanced news can't 'speak' English properly?   So on to real news.  Who knew that ladies in the Middle Ages tamed squirrels as pets which acquired significance as representative of the penis.  'To crack a nut,' the squirrel's undisputed skill, became an established metaphor in poetry for sexual intercourse and was clearly understood by the grammatically adept giver of a clever, wooden love ring popular at the time.

Another popular item in the 13th century was  a love brooch.  "My bride shall wear a brooch, " etc. This poetic ditty explains:  "Take care not to allow your breast/To be felt, fondled or caressed/
By any hands save those that might/ For, true it is, when one first thought/
Of fashioning the clothing clasp,/It was to keep man's lustful grasp/
From woman's bust, which should be known/ To husband's hands and his alone.

The Middle Ages set the precedent for us too with  their 4 most popular pilgrimage sights - the shrine of St. Thomas Becket at Canterbury, Rome, Santiago de Compostela and Cologne.  You ask what are our pilgrimage sites today?  _____________________ Fill in the blanks, please.  

Friday, June 14, 2019

One judge rule

A judge ruled that Missouri's only abortion clinic will stay open for now. Whether man or woman, one judge can rule an entire state?  Seems so, so repeatedly.  Why oh why?

"Burgers ... this summer that use coconut oil and cocoa butter to mimic beef marbling..." in meat substitutes are becoming acceptable.  Why oh Why?

Piling on charges, including 'kidnapping', for a culprit in a hit and run involving children seems like ridiculous overkill.

A news reports should answer questions, who, what, when, where and how, but not why which would be editorializing).  Seams to me opinions,  usually leftist, that determine the why in actions, rule today. 

Why oh Why?

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

I dislike sports

I dislike sports ( intensely) because cheering an injury to a player on an opposing team or beating up a girlfriend ( or maybe shooting someone) has become routine for well-paid competitors in major league sports.  Furthermore, when interviewed, players' language ( words I guess) is just a mumbo/jumbo. 

From unintelligent local radio, I heard requests for drivers to "alleviate using the left side (of the road."  Also I heard from a hospital that "better heart vascular health is a journey."  Who knew?

For a positive spin on our culture, major companies plan to take orders from customers, deliver them and place them in homes.  Trust can't be dead can it? 

Monday, June 10, 2019

"Women owned"

So proud that I purchased ( unawares) my "women owned" sealed 4-pack of corn today.  A 1st in political correctness at my local food mart.  I could get a high or low contemplating this phenomenon but then I would have no time to ruminate over the 'news' that a difficult childhood could be overcome by self-improvement.  Who knew? A 1st in reporting the obvious? Don't need any firsts that betray the condition of our culture. Better to remember a successful, well-attended, good ole fashioned rummage sale at a local church where everything, and I mean everything was dirt cheap so I couldn't avoid getting bargains.      Yeah! 

Sunday, June 09, 2019

We were always wild...

"...But the victory was so stunning and the differences in military style so complete that one can say without exaggeration that Colonial America with all its stylistic dependence on European forms of propriety, began conclusively to die along with Ferguson's soldiers on King's Mountain.  And it was being replaced by the raw individualism of an uneducated and testy group that the Europeans, perhaps always, would quizzically view as 'mongrels.' "  Don't you just love a well-written, exciting sentence about a battle royal?  This passage is from James Webb about the battle of King's Mountain between British regulars and Colonial Scots-Irish militia in 1780 during the Revolutionary.

Passions in patriots always ran high; Americans were always wild. An ignominious slaughter must of necessity always be returned of some kind.  Human beings have souls, which are tricky things.

Saturday, June 08, 2019


LGBTQ + in our culture leads us another step down to the utter destruction of a once Christian country.  A local gay pride parade just proves my point.  According to Christian belief, all human beings deserve our 'love of neighbor'  as creations of God, but to legitimize, celebrate and promote perversions of mother nature and nature's God just leads America down the dark road to H...   I can't understand amoral positioning ( years old) on the public and political level.  I'm convinced that on the personal level, most 'normal' people wonder why, just as I wonder anew each day, why these lifestyle are encouraged to become legitimate.  

Peggy Noonan ( a now lost, conservative soul) says about breaking up big tech companies:  "I don't care... do it incompetently, but do something..."  This same attitude pervades our public dealings with the LGHTQ problem (my word) today.  Most people don't care to judge other people's lives,  so whether competently or incompetently, they allow their communities to 'do something.'

Our God-given right to life, liberty and happiness unfortunately insures that we allow ourselves to slough to Gomorrah. But America, America takes one step down, not up, each time a multi-colored flag waves in a community parade.  

Thursday, June 06, 2019


D..... good Day, D-Day, June 6th 1967, 1st son born. Sad to say I had no interest in or perspective on the arc of horrible history that unfolded from 1941-1945 which encompassed June 6th, 1944 on the beaches of  Normandy, France.  Made up for knowledge of it later, however. Now I just confront media nonsense  and sports mania daily.  Some NFL players apparently just completed "mandatory mini camp.'  No clue what that involves.  If all citizens only familiarized themselves with the maxi capacity concentration camps of WWII we would be a better  informed America.  Always room for improvement. Right?  

Wednesday, June 05, 2019

God willing

From Andrew in Dallas I read: "so if we were interested in having children we would have to be willing to reduce saving for retirement and pay only minimum payments toward my student loans, in addition to making other sacrifices good parenting requires."  Heads up to Andrew in Dallas. God willing, with little money, no loans and little savings WE were able to AFFORD 6 kids and lived to tell the tale. You two will your lives, not God willing.

On to silly stuff again.   "Charges will be pursued" against a serial killer now on death row.  What purpose could it serve? 

"Now that students are not attending school they will not be eating breakfast and possibly lunch."  This is justification for summertime feeding programs.  Too bad it not based on reality. 

Tuesday, June 04, 2019

RE:Animal Farm

A redux of Animal Farm (and 1984) seems to be playing out when the New England Journal of Medicine wishes to "impose voluntary sodium limits on 150 food categories. "  The contradiction of terms 'voluntary'  and impose' never bothered neither the better two-legged pigs of Animal farm nor the ministry of truth in 1984.  Such a reality is forced compliance. Freedom of choice, our God-given right must be evaluated in terms of morality and reason.  In the Netherlands a 17yr. old girl exercised her free choice by euthanizing herself.  Is this proper use of free will or a ridiculous perversion of its meaning for a 12 yr. old?  Does our government then, have the right to determine our lives, liberties and pursuits of happiness?      

Monday, June 03, 2019


"Tomb of the unknown warrior,"  "what set him on the deadly quest," "they test so it runs" and "smart lane construction."  Why words with no or new meanings every time I listen to a report or an ad?  I'm sickofit. But then real-life boggles the mind when I hear that golfers in the Muirfield classic (just completed) possessed an entourage of their "families, their coaches and their mental coaches."  ???  No sport has been left upturned.  Childhood golf for me just meant a long walk spoiled.

The red carpet treatment for Pres. Trump and the 1st Lady should impress the world.  All women's and fashion and society magazines could have uppped their circulation considerable if they had been covering Melania since her ascendancy to 1st lady.  No way because politics not only allows leftists to 'shoot themselves in the foot' but also to undergo volunteer amputation.  We are so divided as a nation because of ideology.  Too bad the left's ideology in practice has no valuable ideals.

Saturday, June 01, 2019


What the heck is 'communities in schools"? Saw this ad for a .org.  It claims to "see how we help all kids in school... in schools to encourage healing."  What the heck is this nonsense?

Do you that the ultimate gift for a graduate is a "Tiger Lady?"  Claws come out of a hand-held device when you swipe at your attacker and collect DNA.  I kid you not.

Students in our schools have dyslexia, ADHD, hunger, depression and suicidal tendencies. Who knew?  Yet we see the success of  8 competitors in the National Spelling Bee.  Each of the 8 winners received a trophy and $50,000.  No participation trophies were awarded.  Truly no nonsense.

Now to my quote for the upcoming Father's Day.  Priscella Mason in 1793 delivered these inspirational words:  Our high and mighty lords (thanks to their arbitrary constitutions) have denied us the means of knowledge and then reproached us for the want of it.... The Church, the Bar, the Senate are shut against us.   Who shut them? Men; despotic man, first made us incapable of duty, and then forbid us to exercise.  Let us by suitable education, qualify ourselves for these high departments.  They will open before us."  Obviously it took a while to 'level the playing field,' for women but today,  2019, you men, you fathers, you buyers beware.