Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Which horror story comes 1st?

Which horror story should I recount 1st? A 12 yr old child dead from lice bites and vermin? Schools that babysit PreK children because parents abrogate their familial duties? Free lunches for students in Vermont schools?  Vermont, my Gosh! Vermont! 116 homicides so far in Columbus, Ohio mostly Black youths. Recipients of SSI government checks who did not pay taxes in 2020, getting $500 for each child before the end of September 2020. The radio announcement for this welfare subsidy is ironically paid for by the people who paid taxes  in 2020.  Finally, the big reveal - the debate filled with Biden's lies. From beginning to end of the debate last night, nothing spewed from Biden's lips but lies. Insults, lies, and leftist accusations. I know, there's nothing new in this horror story. Shocking was the FACT that Biden stood up awake for 1 1/2 hours. Unbelievable. Shocking. I cannot account for this FACT. But the rest of the horror show, the lie fest, the slugfest and chaos must be blamed on the Democrat party and their candidate. Donald's mistake was to abandon civility, interrupting Biden constantly, thus appearing unPresidential. 

Monday, September 28, 2020

What can I say

What can one say about a no-brainer debate? One person empty-headed against a sharp wit? I can't believe the Democrats can go through with such insanity?  Oh yes I can. They have been enlarging their lies since Al Gore time.  I anticipate their fun and games; await how they distort reality again. Know your enemy, friends.  

ACB - Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation hearings should never be held. Don't the Republicans know what the Devil's minions plan to do to a decent human being? If they have the votes, Republicans should vote. They have never 'won' in the presence of evil, usually appearing like lambs to the slaughter. I can't watch or hear them. Who could?     

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Bad Breonna

All of this militarizing and weaponizing of the police, surfeit with Humvees and swat uniforms has resulted in the bathos of Breonna Taylor's death and the aftermath of mayhem. I noticed this sad state of police affairs years ago when a local city proudly showed off its newly acquired Hummer attack and defense vehicle. Why do they need that, I asked. Today America sucks. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

90 feet

It's 90 feet from the batter's box to the pitcher's mound. Why then must the pitcher wear a mask? Just asking? Of course, just asking makes me as mad as the CDC  and the expert scientists who try to mandate behavior around the Covid-19. No trick-or-treat? No dunking for apples? No Halloween parties? What's next, no Christmas carols or manger? When will the madness end?  Each of us who has had the virus  knows that anyone can get it, few victims become very sick, most people recover, and usually the only fatalities occur from underlying health conditions. We 'walking dead' cannot hurt anyone anymore.  

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Gone to the devil

Where has RBG gone? Home to the Devil, for sure. Without exception, without apparently ever any reflection, a woman on the extreme left, spent a lifetime at every opportunity, to accomplish the work of the Devil through her power as lawyer and an associate justice of the Supreme Court. Case closed.  

Thursday, September 17, 2020

High Interest Loans

What's wrong with high interest loan payments?  Apparently everything. A settlement was just reached to forgive 1/3 of a billion dollars in high interest loan payments for students at some universities because they cannot repay the debt.  What's wrong with borrowing money at high interest when you can't borrow at a lower interest rate?  What's wrong with borrowing money to pay for something you cannot otherwise afford? I say nothing, nothing, unless you choose not to satisfy the debt you voluntarily incurred.  Au contraire says the liberal mindset. Always remember that the irresponsibility of leftism and victimhood will find a reason for not honoring your obligations. Who needs to honor an obligation? Who needs any principle you can void? Think about it. Who needs a college degree?       

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Beautiful weather

What does one do with perfect weather as imperfect fires rage in California? It's inconceivable the damage and destruction raging out West now. But,,, how can I feel sorry for residents of an insane state like California? Our church announced a collection for victims of the wildfires in Ca. No, I will not contribute. The liberal leftist, anti-rational, anti-fiscal responsibility, anti-common sense, anti-morality state deserves every pain and suffering it gets as a result of Democrat leadership and governance. Don 't tell me they didn't support such insanity for decades. The destruction of America by the left  has been insidious, one small cut at a time, slicing away at each of the 10 commandments. What's already lost is lost. What's still good is still good. Insulate yourself as a strategy of self-preservation.    

Friday, September 11, 2020


Kill all the lawyers - again - when I hear an attorney for elder-care use the slogan in his ad: "With you with heart for us." Duh,. how dumb does a law firm think people are? Yes, you guessed it - terminally. 

9-11 came and went. Jihadists still hunt us. We  have learned nothing about terrorism as evidenced by the actions of 'peaceful protestors being uncontested. Bad Napoleon even knew a "whiff of the grape" was the only solution to mass terror, lawlessness and mayhem.   

Tuesday, September 08, 2020


Relief factor claims to cure pain "both of shoulders and feet." No chance

An investment manager wants to help "middle class millionaires."  No chance

The Republicans want to reach across the aisle and pass a 2.2 trillion dollar stimulus.  No chance

Is there any chance my trip to the Doctor will help my agonizing, paralyzing back muscle pain?