Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Which horror story comes 1st?

Which horror story should I recount 1st? A 12 yr old child dead from lice bites and vermin? Schools that babysit PreK children because parents abrogate their familial duties? Free lunches for students in Vermont schools?  Vermont, my Gosh! Vermont! 116 homicides so far in Columbus, Ohio mostly Black youths. Recipients of SSI government checks who did not pay taxes in 2020, getting $500 for each child before the end of September 2020. The radio announcement for this welfare subsidy is ironically paid for by the people who paid taxes  in 2020.  Finally, the big reveal - the debate filled with Biden's lies. From beginning to end of the debate last night, nothing spewed from Biden's lips but lies. Insults, lies, and leftist accusations. I know, there's nothing new in this horror story. Shocking was the FACT that Biden stood up awake for 1 1/2 hours. Unbelievable. Shocking. I cannot account for this FACT. But the rest of the horror show, the lie fest, the slugfest and chaos must be blamed on the Democrat party and their candidate. Donald's mistake was to abandon civility, interrupting Biden constantly, thus appearing unPresidential. 


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