Sunday, February 28, 2021


We have a differing opinion of Trump's CPAC speech. I - too long and boring. He - effective and comprehensive. Who is right? Both, probably, depending on one's perspective. I demand something new and challenging;  he can endure repetition and boilerplate.  Feeding a possum living under my kitchen sink.  Enjoying 60 degrees in spite of the pouring rain. #1 son came to visit again, bless him.   

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Can't understand

This I can't understand: "Triton provides publishers advertising infrastructure and measurement tools, including distribution for digital audio streams and podcasts, while dynamically inserting ads based on who is listening and audience tracking. It also operates a market place for buying and selling digital ads using automated technology, which will help iHeart expand its offerings to the long tail of smaller, self-"...blah blah, blah.. BUT I do understand that 1.9 trillion dollars in a 591 page stimulus package is criminal overreach of our Democrat led government. Waste of money, period.

I also understand that the passing of a great man, Rush Limbaugh has been unnoticed by the left because (and I am 100% right in this assessment) they are evil. Period. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Enjoy Heaven

 Rush Limbaugh died today. I know he is already enjoying Heaven. Rush was a great man; all great men are flawed. All good men are flawed. All such men aspire to be saints in their own way and we can trust God to reward them with a welcome home. I'm sad, however. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

On & On

On and on with lies, nonsense and exaggerations via the radio (and TV ads). We do not watch TV itself but only record programs from Roku or UTube.  All TV is soft porn unfit for children or decent adults. Now to today's nonsense .A former cop has been hired  as a "director of player development." In what sport you ask? Who cares? Words mean nothing any way you listen to them.

Impeachment over; America's downfall ongoing. On & on in our Orwellian country.  Valentine's Day you ask? We used our $1.00 musical card from Dollar Tree in 2006. Again.  Played its tune for 3 mealtimes. Wonderful sentiment!   

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

What else?

One in 4 kids suffer from 2nd hand smoke?  A theatrical and  phony impeachment trial? Black on black murders and crime daily? What else could be wrong with America? Burgers without meat for one thing.    

Sunday, February 07, 2021

Sad deaths

7000 search and rescue dogs died in WWI; millions of horses died too. Sad deaths all. Human beings should be ashamed of themselves. Right?  

Tuesday, February 02, 2021

A Typical city?

Do I live near a typical city? 2 vaping and  tobacco stores, 2 dog grooming parlors, 2 second-hand stores, 3 major grocers, about 5 (in and out) antique shops, 3 rent-to-owns,  2 bakeries, 1 cash advance, 3 coffee houses, a humane society,  a tattoo parlor, dumb, druggie criminals, a respected police force,  many well-attended churches,  a 20,000 county population, the reputation as the fast-food capitol of the U.S and, of course, the Wal-Mart. Is this not real America and a Trumpian stronghold?