Monday, March 28, 2022


Bored but unsettled due to fluttering eyes and balance disorder unidentified. Furthermore, the weather sucks, cold windy but sunny (to no avail). How can a teenage cat spend his normal day so mindlessly joyful and carefree?  A gift from God, of course.  The dinner bell rings for the big goldfish to come to dinner at the end of the pond and Stormy attends so that he can bat the fish on the head and then eat a few morsels of fish food too. See, I told you so goes a happy cat. Meanwhile, news of our cultural rot and lack of respect for life continues unabated with each news item. I guess viewership for the Oscars was at an all-time low  - deservedly. Home made dinner awaits. How blessed with a man who loves me in spite of all...  

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Nothing but...

Nothing but bad news.  Killings by dogs, killings by young people with no respect for life, killings of children, killings in the Ukraine war with Russia. Went back on Lexapro but feel worse than before and it's only 3 pills in. No clue to the cause of the problem of imbalance. No clue to its solution. Low sugar? Anxiety?   

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Glittering generalities

Glittering generalities are an advertising technique but they about today in political speech and religious sermonizing. " There's a lot of gravity in this moment."  When I read this, I recognized useless words. The negotiations between China and us over Ukraine also reflected empty rhetoric. And a religious inspiration contained a prayer for "those who suffer through the harsh commands of others." Can't anyone speak plain English? Well, my cat can. I like my catmint. I like my game of retrieve. I prefer raw to canned food. I'll purr if you carry me.  

Thursday, March 10, 2022

What is to be done?

Lenin asked, 'What is to be done?" Dare we rational, moral people ask the same question? Even I did not think Putin capable of the evil he now perpetrates on a free people.  Having studied world history, knowing Russian history, I am sadly dismayed by the war playing out in Ukraine. What is to be done? Prayers? Sanctions? Talk? No, no, no.  Yes, I don't know. One thing I do know is that America plunges downhill under Biden but takes with it the cultural depravity and last of respect for life that characterizes a lost empire.   

Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Blithering idiots

Democrats = blithering idiots who clap for all things in Biden's speech which consisted of lies or impossibilities. Poor us! To unite America going forward our empty President called for 4 agendas: the Opiod epidemic, mental health issues, care of veterans and elimination of cancer. Which one makes you laugh most?