Sunday, June 30, 2019

more than trustworthy

I heard that an insurance agent is "more than trustworthy."  Meaningless right?  Well here's a statement from Thomas Sowell who is trustworthy issuing this timely gem:
“One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce, and canonized those who complain.”
This trilogy or trinity of the left controls our culture.  The liberal left denies the need for personal responsibility to make money and care for oneself and others to whom you have committed yourself.  They ignore the fact that laziness and self-indulgence are character flaws (read here moral failings).  They excuse complaining under the large umbrella of victimhood, prejudice, discrimination and  societal circumstances.  These to the left are three holy truths. Too bad they have not discovered or refuse to acknowledge the 10 commandments for right living, each rule granting you the right to choose a proper path.  I hear you object that the only commandment is love God and love your neighbor as yourself.  What does loving your neighbor as yourself really mean?  You 1st need to know how to live your life, morally, which today is bloody hard when no intact family with 2 parents exists for  guidance and when no dependence upon God supports your journey.  The left canonizes each person a saint per se who supports their trinity sans a saintly life.   Upside down, what the Devil would admire, the liberal left admires, to what a saint would aspire, they condemn as heresy.  Yep! 

Of course, I don't need to tell you this obvious fact, it was on full display 2 nights in succession for the 1st Democrat candidates' debates.    


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