Saturday, June 08, 2019


LGBTQ + in our culture leads us another step down to the utter destruction of a once Christian country.  A local gay pride parade just proves my point.  According to Christian belief, all human beings deserve our 'love of neighbor'  as creations of God, but to legitimize, celebrate and promote perversions of mother nature and nature's God just leads America down the dark road to H...   I can't understand amoral positioning ( years old) on the public and political level.  I'm convinced that on the personal level, most 'normal' people wonder why, just as I wonder anew each day, why these lifestyle are encouraged to become legitimate.  

Peggy Noonan ( a now lost, conservative soul) says about breaking up big tech companies:  "I don't care... do it incompetently, but do something..."  This same attitude pervades our public dealings with the LGHTQ problem (my word) today.  Most people don't care to judge other people's lives,  so whether competently or incompetently, they allow their communities to 'do something.'

Our God-given right to life, liberty and happiness unfortunately insures that we allow ourselves to slough to Gomorrah. But America, America takes one step down, not up, each time a multi-colored flag waves in a community parade.  


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