Monday, March 31, 2008

Cheered up

Rain has been too depressing so to cheer us up I bought a dollar pinwheel and 2 dollars of plastic flower stakes to plant outside for viewing and another dollar companion cat for my dollar cat on the porch eating table. The Easter bonnets on each cat will have to suffice for my new head gear. I felt my new spring wardrobe was incomplete, however, so after I saw a $2 sweatshirt with sunflowers on it at Ohio Thrift, I knew what I also had to have. Now I feel better all around. Also splurged on ‘Fair Trade’ coffee which has been certified environmentally sustainable. The eco-friendly purple print is impossible to read on the package so with a magnifying glass I confirmed that the purchase has been certified by two numbers ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. How much you ask? Pray tell $6.29 for 12 ounces. But to offset the extravagance, I recently obtained another fair trade pocket blend of coffee beans which I liberated (into my jacket pocket) from the coffee grinding bin at Wal-Mart because it was overflowing with neglected leftovers begging to rescued. The fair trade price was free and the beans lasted about 5 days. Yesterday I was further cheered up by the ½ price sale of whipped yogurt. Raspberry and strawberry flavors for 20 cents each. How many did I put in my cart? I won’t tell, but with pancakes and bacon and home-made maple syrup my husband and I shared 1/2 of a container. The other 1/2 went with lunch. 5 cents per sitting. Now lunch was another cheery affair. Over the lettuce you won’t believe what I was able to pile up before the Ranch dressing took hold: raw onion, fresh green pepper, raw garlic, raw Jerusalem artichoke ( recently dug up) peanuts, chow mein noodles, sesame pieces, black walnuts, shredded cheese, cheesoes ( husband only) fresh broccoli, cucumber, beets ( wife only) and olives. A local newspaper published my essay on ‘Would you believe?’ (words from Maxwell TV show remember?) The very next day after submission, in fact. This is after my recent victory of 2 published essays revised for my son under his name. Tonight is some stupid worldwide event to turn out the lights around the world. The dumb idea came from Australia.(where a daughter resides!) Yes, you guessed it, 8 PM time two rebels in our home will light up the first floor (2nd is too much to bear) just like Rush Limbaugh suggested because no way will we join environmental wackos who think God should rescind his first order "Let there be Light." Only the fires of Hell would be appropriate as their candle power.


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