Friday, March 21, 2008

A Good Friday thought

Since childhood, through the days of the my rotary, black phone and RA 8 - 5632 to today’s time of modern cellular communication that has still left me behind, I have pursued a personal way of the cross. A sweet song about love says, "to each his own." A unique, painful trip to Calvary continually confronts me. I must shoulder a solitary, difficult genetic burden. The pre-Christian message of Protagoras (485-410 BC) that "man is the measure of all things," provides me inspiration. To measure ourselves, the Green philosopher said we must measure our "arete," honor. We must continually ask if our thoughts and actions, especially actions, are noble enough, measure up. Do I reach Golgotha? How often do I fall and - rise? Let’s face it, no help will be given. I am keenly aware that Simon the Cyrene was virtually useless to alleviate the sufferings of Jesus. My lonely journey hopefully ends with forgiveness and redemption. Is there an alternative walk? Is there a way to pass the cup? I think not. Payback time on earth is brief.


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