Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Black Moses

Either/Or, Yahweh or Jehovah, no matter. He whose Hebrew name translates as "to be" or "to bring into being," namely the Lord-God, sealed a covenant with a murderer Moses. As a young man, Moses spied an Egyptian smiting a Hebrew, one of his brethren. When he saw there was no man watching, he slew the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. So says the a Biblical account. The message, I presume, relates to the concept of evil, injustice and solidarity. God appeared to Moses in the burning bush in what historians of religion call a theophany. God chose Moses to led his people. Why the paradox of a chosen one being flawed? God is inscrutable. I AM THAT I AM appeared to Moses and by doing so entered into every man’s life, treating man as a kind of equal. In Biblical times, the sealing of this covenant between Moses, the leader of the chosen people and Yahweh, usually called for the sacrifice of an animal, circumcision of sons, keeping holy the Sabbath and obeying the law, the Torah.

Until today. Now that the black Moses has been chosen, all bets are off. Our black Moses, Democrat presidential candidate, Barak Obama has re-invented himself as the Grand Old Patriarch. As his ‘spiritual advisor’ he chose a purveyor of hate in his sermons on the Sabbath. At my last check, hate still is defined as the antonym of Love, the message of the one, true God. For two decade in his chosen ‘synagogue’ Obama joined followers of a ‘different’ Yahweh who approved of abandoning the 2nd greatest law to "love one’s neighbor as one self."

No matter. Obama’s planned, political speech rationalizes and denies these realities enveloped in the message of Uncle Reverend Wright. No matter; it’s just tactics. A white leader named Snowball, employed tactics in ANIMAL FARM to further his lies. Obama’s white mask - or is his blackness the mask? - works. His blind followers are falling for his lies. Black Moses won’t lead us out of bondage in Egypt to the promised land. Use your imagination or apply double ententes to your imagination. (Remember the words sacrifice, circumcision, holy and law). Imagine where Obama’s racism, hatred of America, socialist politics, divisiveness, calls for change and hope will take us. In ANIMAL FARM, poor, forgotten proletarian Boxer, was sacrificed, emasculated, lied to and eventually just worked to death.


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