Friday, March 14, 2008

Are we smart enough?

If our masses remain uneducated and our ‘educated’ media have their way, we might as well be content with watching socialism water down the American land with liberal rain and pray that the roots don’t take hold too far down under our houses. Day by day the roots of liberalism spread deeper into the soil of America. We face the spectacle of politician vs. politician in the race for the Presidential office. What we know, just as certain as death and taxes (which go up with liberal Democrats) is that the next president will be a politician. Another fact is that the three candidates are merely American politics-as-usual marionettes. Someone will be pulling the strings. Do the hands belong to the people willing to live with socialism or to the people with intelligent brains focused on liberty?

The goal of socialism is to create another Land of milk and honey right here in the 21st Century with the government distributing the nectar and ambrosia. Socialism is defined as the system of social organization in which the means of production and distribution of goods are owned and controlled collectively or by the government. ‘By the government’ is the goal of liberal Democrat politicians like Obama and Clinton.

Can’t you hear Obama shouting mellifluously, "What is to be done"? ( a question asked by Lenin) as his uncritical enthusiasts, applaud with approval without hearing his vision of what the country has been waiting for? Obama wears no flag lapel pin or pledges no ‘Pledge of Allegiance’ because, to him, they are "pointless displays of patriotism." Have you heard the hate speech Obama’s spiritual advisor Reverend Wright preaches from the pulpit of his church? A decade of this over-the-top anti-American rhetoric must have sunk in to some degree to convince Obama and his wife Michele that the "soul of America is broken." Give me a break.

Will the clouds part to expose rays of loving and peaceful sunshine over Hilary or Obama after Bush, the Prince of Darkness departs? Will class and racial conflicts really end? Or are they being encouraged and perpetuated with improper language and inaccurate facts from liberal politicians?

Oh well, why be so glum when the goal of socialism is happiness for the totality? Won’t we all be beneficiaries of benevolent dictators? When the front door bell rings, will we say, " Glad to see you Mr. Government, ‘bout time you made it here - never mind the mess - come on in. " For sure, we must talk lightly and hide our intelligence if we choose to embrace control of our diet, control of our fondness for smoking, control of our guns (not just for self-defense but for hunting), control of our money and control of our discretionary pleasures. Exit Thomas Paine’s idea of "Give me liberty or give me death." Who enters says "I feel your death pangs! "

A famous cartoon should remind us of the dangers ahead.. A donkey (a symbolic Democrat) is walking side by side with Uncle Sam down the dirt path to socialism. Along the path they see an elderly, disheveled man limping along towards them away from the socialist state. The donkey says to Uncle Sam "Ask the man who has been there?" Upon hearing of the woeful conditions ahead, the donkey, blinded by his own ignorance, refuses to believe he is not heading to a paradise and drags Uncle Sam on down the road. America can be no Paradise by eliminating free trade and treaties like Nafta that delivers more jobs and opportunity, by restricting immigrants who take entry level jobs and have more children, by controlling public school curriculums, by raising taxes, or by mandating universal health care.

Another joke, this one from communist Russia is in order. A surgeon, architect and a Communist diplomat were arguing as to whose art was the oldest. First God made man, said the surgeon, and from man he made woman - that was a major surgical operation. Ah, said the architect, before that he had made the world - that is an architect’s job. Perhaps so, said the diplomat-politician, but before he made the world there was chaos - tell me who made that?

During this election time, campaigns will be revealing whether we shall have socialism heavy or socialism lite. At present politicians are fixing the lists of voters as voters but voters could rig the elections themselves if they blinder critical thinking and just answer emotional calls. Listening to and watching politics is fun, but are we prepared to sit back on inauguration day and put the needle to the record of the new liberal party rhythm - the International? It’s a real toe-tapper.


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