Thursday, January 31, 2019

Waste of money

What a waste of money - millions for a 30 second ad in the Super Bowl.  Budweiser's commercial says their beer is now made with wind power. After I stopped laughing, I turned my mind to a valentine thought of love.  Thank God for Good Samaritans.  Locally, a dog was rescued by the police after being reported tied to a rope in the freezing cold without food, shelter or water. Yeah, water would freeze, I know.  Humane deeds happen. Thank you God for individual examples of good conscience.  Some politicians have none.  Our Mayor announced 500 billion dollars in his new budget (must be a mistake I heard for million?) for spending on affordable housing.

Waste of money. Waste of money. At least one good person didn't waste time and did a good deed   .

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Glenn Beck

Who is Glenn Beck?   Perhaps the question should be, "Why discuss Glenn Beck?  A foolish egoist should be exposed.  He can be understood easily if you analyze two words love and hate.  Glenn only loves and hates.  No golden mean. No willing deviation from extremes.  So today when he repeated his 'hatred' for cats ( which I noted years ago) the insight came to me that he alternately only loves or hates virtually everything.  Too bad because this 'woke' old woman knows that a person that hates cats can never be trusted.  Hatred reflects a closed soul.  On the other hand, Glenn Beck ( often tearfully) typically loves selected  persons, causes and his dog.  Love for him denotes his open soul.  What's in between love and hate?  Like or dislike, words applicable to rational thinking arrived at by numerous encounters with reality. 

Hatred as unforgiving and love as unyielding  are qualities that I've heard Mr. Beck champion.  I like my cat, I dislike a few of his antics.  Do I have a topic for a 'conversation' with you Glenn Beck.    

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Nothing new

Did you know there are 800,000 police officers in the U.S., the same number as non-essential government employees ( recently on layoff for 1 month)?  141 officers were killed in the line of duty often the result of criminal acts. The non-essential workers could not make do for 30 days  obviously the result of improper, prior planning for an emergency. So be reality.  Did you also know that Democrat Presidential candidate  Kamala Harris has perfected the liberal, left's political jargon? Her glib use of predictable party-specific words punctuated her interview and a rally.  "Smart, strategic and commonality" - how revolting that nothing's new.  So upsetting this listeria of word salad.

Keep warm; stay indoors, if possible.  If not, be grateful for those doing outdoors duty.   

Monday, January 28, 2019

You go girl...

You go girl.  Kamala Harris having an affair with a 60 yr. old at 30 to further her career.  The leftist, feminist half of America shouts, 'you go girl.'  Tom Brokaw ( though a feminist and leftist but not female) tells the truth that immigrants should learn English; he must immediately apologize.  He ought to know he cannot go where a girl can go.  The left eats their own just because ( for the cause).  It's final proof we are lost as a United States of America.  To something positive - the low unemployment rate.  Driving about, numerous signs read, "Now hiring, all positions."  Work makes a person's life  worthwhile so you would hope this is a positive, hopeful time in our history.  No.  Unbelievably,  Kamala Harris shouts at her 20,000 person rally that , "We are better than this, America."  Really?  Truth cannot win in our now divided, not united, states of America.

Tropes about he or she turning over in the grave after some outrage, should just be put to rest.


Sunday, January 27, 2019


When a spokesperson is asked a question and has no clue about how to answer it,  he or she falls  back onto word salad. Greens - these greens - are bad for you. Today's nonsense was the statement, "we want to maintain the ecosystem and continuum?"  The subject is irrelevant.  To the substantive question of the day, however, what is a definition of America's 3 current problems (crises)?  Homelessness, hunger and poverty.  Yep! You hear about them constantly applied to suffering souls here in bountiful America. Answer:  The  dictionary or clinical definition for these 3 situations has been abandoned by the left because the political left gets hold of them to distort, exaggerates and pervert their  definitions to fit an agenda for a government or non-profit program.  I'm sickofit.

Look around you as you live your daily life. Mundane, right? Disturbing, wrong. A homeless person, a hungry person, a poor person -are exceptions in America; not the majority as portrayed in the media.

Saturday, January 26, 2019


As regards many unnecessary government entities, get rid of them.  HHS has a radio ad for a substance abuse recovery program help funded by your money, of course,  which ends with the  caring word salad ( nonsense) phrase, "visible, willful, valuable." Really?  This advocacy garbage competes with another bit of nonsense over the airways  telling  me that the recent shutdown (ended yesterday) has cost tens of millions of dollars every month.  It ended yesterday after barely 30 days, one month, not 'every month.'  Do yourself a favor and discontinue listening to words other than Gods.

Even He is having trouble getting his voice heard in today's din; no, He does not speak ex cathedra via Pope Francis.     

Friday, January 25, 2019

Military women

When discussing women in the military we need to discuss freedom of choice. If women want equality of status and outcome, they necessitate no concessions in the military.  If men must register for the draft, women must register for the draft too.  Now for my controversial example, all about choice.  Recently, a woman soldier was killed in a terrorist's attack in Syria. She left behind a husband and 2 children at home. She (not he) chose to serve America. Now one of her relatives wants 'someone' to fund a college scholarship for the dead soldier's children. Whoa! She chose to serve knowing the risks and rewards. Her two children do not, could not, should not need to attend college in the future (depending upon their qualifications and inclinations),  I just don't get it - the confusion of freedom of choice  with feel-good freebies.

Don't question my respect and empathy for our soldiers of war.  I've been there and done that (figuratively)  many times over the years. 

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Posit without proof

Glasses that reverse reality explain why some Americans hate Trump. Their ideology simply posits lies without proof.  Each  day I hear lies on the radio  about  the 'face-off' and 'confrontation' in Washington that did NOT happen. I hear Nathan Phillips' lies that contradict reality.  I hear an ad for the VA's Homeless Hotline.  You can guess where I stand on this example of a posit without proof.

From my vantage of age, I have advice for Nick Sandmann. Hear ye.  Hear ye how to choose a worthy woman.
1. Think about the appearance of Savannah Guthrie which contradicts a genuine, natural look.  Reject it.
2. Think about her hair color, hair style, generous makeup, and selected wardrobe that embraces  artificial perfection. Reject it.   
3. Think about her agenda-driven, leftist questions based upon the premise of your guilt.  Reject it.   Look for a different  kind of  woman with an honest, inquiring  mind.
4. Think about a woman's attitude when  she selects her man. The secret to happiness is a commitment rooted in  respect and a willingness of the woman to bow to the unique gift of mutual love.  Good luck, Nick.        

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Remember the moving song by Roy Orbison? Reduced to tears, am I crying over my beloved country.  Hatred is an evil but not a problem for progressive, liberals and the hateful left.  Phillips trying to violate a March for Life Mass Sat. night after the Fri. provocation. Questionings and rationalizations to justify belief in a blatant lie. Black Hebrew Israelites  allowed to spout obscenities and hate for 2 hrs.  Native  Americans treated like gods. Political correctness now eliminates judgment on good and evil. My beloved country cries along with me - sad unto death.

Two million adults and 1/2 million children hungry in Ohio?  Heard this again today. SNAP's  importance buttressed by this blatant lie.  Cry beloved country.    

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Damn, when is it appropriate to say "Damn you?"  When you know evil will consign the person to Hell any way no matter what you do - even short of prayers?  Well the time has come!  Why should the Covington Catholic school be required to cancel classes and operations?  Threats, of course.  For my grammar, high school and college years, NEVER was school cancelled. Semper Fi!  Today America has lost its soul when lies, political correctness and media manipulation blind themselves to goodness and truth.  Almost any university's portal imprints a message of truth, justice, inquiry or character as its .... But now it's upside down. An activist lies, a hate group curses, a video tells the truth, yet truth doesn't matter. 

Gone, all gone, meaning from all of these golden words from portals of learning. It's 2019 now and Damn it, too many people are being played by the Devil who welcomes them to his fun abode.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Sad state

Saw super wolf blood moon but ours wasn't super sized.  Saw sad state of America over the weekend with lies vs. truths, rush to judgment vs. wait and see,  and obscenities vs. decency.  An angel's intervention showed us what Martin Luther King's non-violent stance looked like when Catholic students 'took it' peacefully while taunted by the foul left.  But if  "God's in His heaven, all's right with the world," I can prove it. Today as everyday my neighbor, three times a day, rain or shine, sleet  or snow, deep freeze or heatwave, traipses ( in a truck) out for a breakfast, lunch and dinner.  When I note 'he's back,' I know all's right with the world.

Sunday, January 20, 2019


I have looked at life from both sides now, January 18th and 19th, 2019.  The March for Life contrasted with the Women's March, both in Washington, turned out not just contrasting ideologies, but contrasting behaviors and attendance numbers.   Is it a hopeful sign that many more pro-lifers braved the cold than strident pro-choicers?  A hundred thousand as opposed to ten thousand?  Is it a hopeful sign that pro-lifers marched silently and/or singing with joy as opposed to screaming banshees with 'mother-fuckering' vocabularies?  Is it a hopeful sign that pro-lifers don't pollute  the ground they walk on but the pro-choicers, make and leave a mess in their wake?  Is it a hopeful sign for the future of America?

Don't bet on it. Coverage and hoopla for the pro-choicers is controlled by media noise makers. Coverage has been minimum for pro-lifers.  What march? What significance?  The Silent majority has struggled to be heard since Roe v. Wade in 1973.  Each local bishop across the country celebrates a commemorative Mass Jan. 22 for the millions of lives lost since the decision. Freedom rings out the old, rings in the new, but not enough  hearts and minds have been changed.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Government is not your friend

Where would a law abiding citizen find a change for estate tax law if he/she is analyzing rules for  paying Uncle Sam?  In the Surface Transportation and Veterans Health Care Choice Improvement Act, of course.  Since even a genius could  not find this obscure rule or know where to 'discover' it, government counts on ignorance being bliss.   You just pay as you go through life taxed (robbed) by  bureauracy's edicts.  Politicians throw anything into any bill any time as long as they can take credit for sponsoring and passing  any bill any time. Government is not your friend.

SNAP is a major part of the Dep't. of Agriculture's expenditures.  Why Agriculture? Why?  Are we not to question why?  Billions a month outgoing from incoming collections for no common sense justification in the richest and most generous country in the world.  Why?  Are we not to 'reason why' but just to do government's bidding and die a slow death from taxes.

Friday, January 18, 2019


Brilliant coach says "You feel a loss more than a win." Duh!  The fog of those brilliant athletic minds blows my way each day over the radio.  Believe me, I would not feel the loss of SNAP,  the government's food supplement program. Its elimination would free up billions of dollars not to be redirected or repurposed by government.  Money would be returned to the taxpayers who have paid for some to eat better than others. Those who watch the outlay of their pocketbooks are losers.  This is a time of credit and debit cards, absence of cash purchases and repudiation of saving pocket change.  This is a time of  watching a SNAP recipient buy the bacon-wrapped filet ahead of a  temperate consumer who plops a  $1.29 box of macaroni for meal prep into the cart. 

A local charitable food bank is a winner. Anger over the injustice of SNAP also is a winning attitude. Don't feel like a loser if you budget your money and disagree with SNAP.        

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Carolyn Had a Little Lamb

Had a 'once in  lifetime experience'  ? at dinner last night. Indulged in a boneless lamb loin roast. Tender and delicious. A treat too expensive to embrace more than 'once in a lifetime.'   The topping on my carnivorous sundae is the amount of  packaging disclosures.  Get these:  "Free Range," "as  nature intended," "raised without antibiotics or added hormones," "Humanely raised on sustainable family farms," "Australia inspected 866,"  "our lambs roam free on native Australian pastures and in accordance with our Livestock Sourcing Procedure standards," "Our story ... from day one the sole aim of Thomas Farms has been to provide customers with the finest meat products that Australia and world has to offer.  We at Thomas Farms handpick only the very best farms and ranchers that deliver sustainable , high quality red meat products year round."  Whew!  All on a plastic covering, so tiny only to be read with a super magnifying glass for a 1.50 lb product at $7.99 a lb. 

Toxic masculinity at its best?  Watch a 2015 movie with men and wild mustangs on an epic trip called Unbranded.  And enjoy.  

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

What punishment?

Open wide your heart, fellow children of a artful God, to appreciate the gift of the horse.  What punishment would you like to see for a person who used and abused a beautiful animal so treasured and appreciated over history?  Yesterday some jerk let 14 horses out of their stalls.  The roundup must have been frantic and scary. 13 valuable animals ( to their  owners for sure) were caught and returned to their homes.  One poor, fearful creature drowned.  It was cold day, a sad day for me to know this because of my respectful admiration for a grand animal's service to man and poetry in motion. Actions have consequences; crime deserves punishment.  I'm afraid there won't be much punishment to match the crime of  an irresponsible jerk.  

Back to Gillette because it such sweet punishment that I am hearing for their ad to end 'male toxicity.' Alert! Stare at a powerful horse in motion - that's male toxicity. 

Why would our Catholic Bishops want to institutionalize racism in order to fight racism?

United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops

3211 Fourth Street NE
Washington DC 20017

Why would our Catholic Bishops want to institutionalize racism in order to fight racism?

How peculiar.  “Open Wide our Hearts,” a pastoral letter against racism veers from a discussion of racism as a sin of the individual into the weeds of social justice, institutional racism, systemic racism and collective guilt. They seem to conclude that ‘we are all racists now’ because the sin of racism is caused by America’s institutions, culture, and government.

Expounding on the sins of injustice against human dignity is theologically sound but then the bishops buttress this moral argument with all of the progressive tropes so fashionable among today’s leftist ideologues. It should be understood that these fashionable tropes are themselves rooted in and are themselves expressions of racism.

The letter posits that “in recent times, we have seen bold expressions of racism by groups as well as individuals.”  What rubbish.  As one who reads widely, but views no television, I am exposed to a wide spectrum of public opinion and I find no ‘bold expressions of racism’ in any groups populated by more than a dozen adherents.

The re-appearance of symbols of hatred, such as nooses and swastikas in public spaces, is a tragic indicator of rising racial and ethnic animus.”  Routinely, reports of these incidents are subsequently exposed a hoaxes meant to ‘raise consciousness’ of the race issue and not actual hate crimes. The acts of racism are from the ‘activists’ themselves. The few cases of actual incidents are dishonored by the activist fake dramas.

“In our prisons, the number of inmates of color, notably those who are brown and black, is grossly disproportionate.”  People are in prison for committing crimes, not for their color.  It is racist, however, to propose that thieves, burglars, rapists and murderers in prison must match the national or local demographics of race.  If we are only allowed 13% of the prison population to be black to implement ‘social justice,’ then that is racism pure and simple.  Why?  These offenders overwhelmingly prey upon the black population.  Isn’t it racist to inflict true suffering upon the black citizenry just to get some ‘feel good’ percentage?

Today I read this report:  “It’s clear why the narrative around Jazmine’s murder should attract so much furor. The life of a black child being taken by a racist in a post-Charleston, post-Pittsburgh America should anger us. Yet it’s less clear why this furor should suddenly desist upon the revelation that the suspected killer is not white, but black. Black lives do matter — but the backlog of ignored tragedies in Houston similar to Jazmine’s case suggests that attention given to black lives by some within the activist movement is more selective than it seems.”  Seven child driveby murders occurred within one year in Houston.  If apprehended, what percentage of the murderers should be imprisoned to maintain the proper ‘racial balance’?

“The cumulative affect of personal sins of racism have led to social structures of injustice and violence that make all of us accomplices in racism.”  This word salad is designed to promote the concept of ‘collective guilt’; I thought we got rid of that bunkum which led to the persecution of the Jews for centuries.

We must recognize that generations of African Americans were disadvantaged by slavery, wage theft, Jim Crow laws, and distortion of data.”  Does “disadvantaged by slavery” mean that blacks 150 years later are so damaged that they cannot educate themselves grow in wisdom and truth and thrive?  Disadvantaged huddled masses that arrived from the outside world since slave times have suffered, toiled and, to a great extent, thrived. Are the descendents of slaves perpetually children?  This is the bigotry of soft expectations.

Our bishops also claim that racial profiling frequently targets “Hispanics for selective immigration enforcement practices, African Americans for suspected criminal activity… and leads to growing fear and harassment of persons from majority Muslim countries.” These three popular tropes (that misrepresent facts) don’t belong in a serious presentation.

Citing the example of the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, the letter says “racism still affected so many of our brothers and sisters, highlighting the structural and institutional forms of racial injustice evident in the economic imbalances found in our society.” No, the imbalances result from improper governance by liberal Democrats (for years) in Flint  and many inner cities.  Morons, cretins and thieves in government do stupid things without regard for race.

“Too many Catholics remain unaware of the connection between institutional racism and the continued erosion of the sanctity of life.  Racism festers in part because, as a nation because there has been very limited formal acknowledgement of the harm done.”  Are Catholics stone stupid?  Everyday, every newspaper, radio commentary, radio and television news report and programmed lecture, cajole and admonish us Americans, including Catholics, that we are most racist nation in history who spends our days searching out the ‘other’ and persecuting him (or her).  This raises the question, why do so many millions of people seek to enter the United States, legally and often illegally?

Leftists, progressives and liberals (including those in Congress) have come up with a new line of interrogation for those seeking elective office or appointment to government positions:  “Are you now, or have you ever been a member of the Knights of Columbus?”  The Bishops should worry about this new phenomenon.   

From the pew;
Thomas J. McLaughlin
Carolyn J. McLaughlin

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Hurrah for men

Is Gilette's new ad caving to political correctness?  It's too fast-paced for me to even follow its message so I say, "Who cares?  Hurrah for a real man (if you have one, if not keep looking)."  On to sillier stuff.  Greed first.  Stormy Daniels was arrested here in Ohio last year performing at a strip club.  She now wants 2 million dollars because Trump favoring police were responsible for her humiliation.  Prostitute signs non-disclosure, renegs, needs money, seeks notoriety, claims harrasment, etc. What's new?  Not a case of greed?

If you become you own non-profit organization ( I'm suspect) called Yellow Farmhouse Education Center, you can sponsor Little Cooks and Farmer's Program  offering educational programs at local schools.  Indoctrination will follow no doubt.  The female director says: "We do dietary expansion and food sensitivity."  Not a real woman, much less a real man should condone this political correct nonsense.    

Monday, January 14, 2019

Knockout punch

It has not taken me long to suffer the one, two, three knockout punch this morning. First I'm hit by an ad against 'something terrible (as usual) that will "stop American medical invention." Now we know this is impossible.  Second I'm hit with an ad from Frisch's for a "mashed potato and chicken bowl" and/or a "three egg breakfast bowl." Now we know bowls are 'in' but why can't hungry people prepare their own food?   Third, my Catholic bishops have issued a letter to "Open Wide our Hearts" Americans must stop rampant racism in America by institutionalizing racism in America.  How is this contradiction possible?  They claim racism is the cause of our societal ills. Our sin is injustice.   They suggest we release criminals who are held in jails in disproportionate numbers (because of you guessed it - our racism).  But releasing criminals will only allow them to again prey upon their own race. Isn't racism then in reverse gear?  No, racism does not explain crime.  My guilt cannot absolve the sins of other immoral individuals. My bishops, however say it can if we open wide our hearts to love under the umbrella of justice.  Three strikes above;  I'm out of optimism for another morning. 

Doesn't it drive you crazy when you hear both ads and politicians act as prostitutes who say anything or do anything  that sounds or looks good? Our new Governor DeWine (from a completely political dynastic family) swore on not one, but NINE Bibles when he took his oath of office.  Theatre?  I don't attend the theatre.  

Sunday, January 13, 2019


Is it  nice to know that a renowned psychologist has concluded that humanity's unique distinction from lower forms of animals is our "shared intentionality?  " He says it begins early on in our biological development.  He says that child studies prove that kids quickly catch on to reasoning and self-interest interacting with other children and that sharing come naturally?  Really?  History proves that  'in vino veritas,'  so I plan to sip for  the truth tonight about the source of my greatness.  What will I find?  What could you find? Not "shared intentionality." Perhaps shared love.

Here's another truth for which I can tell you definitely that neither a red nor white varietal is necessary - liberals lie.  

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Litmus test

How can you immediately peg a liberal or Democrat as distinguished from a conservative?  Words. "We can't cut our way out of it," a politician said regarding cutting spending to be fiscally irresponsible in a nearby city here in Ohio.  The answer to this deficit problem?  The liberal answer always involves raising taxes.  Individual households can't raise their taxes to solve their overspending problems, but you know who surely will try every time - liberal Democrats with control of the spending strings.  You can be assured they will throw in crumbs to political correctness and pull a few heart strings referring to endangered police and fire safety services.  So predictable.  The leader sadly admits no choice (?) but to raise taxes.

Conservatism has gone the way of English. Today I heard that the "need is incredible high" from a spokesperson soliciting funds for a worthy cause. The duo of worthy causes, fiscal responsibility and good grammar need funding too. 

Friday, January 11, 2019


Pig as in porcine is a word that I have adopted ( don't know why) to refer to men like Jeff Bezos.   He, having been married for 25 years to a woman providing with marital support and 4 children, sees  another woman with his perverted vision as preferable to the avowed marriage. I don't care if he is  'big' or small, if he is rich or no, the Devil ( whom I'm convinced he does not acknowledge) is wagging his tiny cork-screw tail with glee.  "What a pig," I exclaim every time I hear of another divorce or affair.  Usually the men are Democrats, liberal or agnostic but in all situations.  

What list can you provide off the top of your hat?  Trump's not excluded.  In politics, in Hollywood, in your family, in the news or in your readings - pigs squeal throughout history because of human failings.  If there's a Devil, there must also be a just and forgiving God.  

Thursday, January 10, 2019


A window company advertises O% down, O% interest for 1 year?  Impossible?  Free vodka for life if a hockey player signs up to play for the Columbus Blue Jackets? Possible?  Only winners are respected  and rewarded with monetary and salutary compensation in major league sports ( and minor as noted in local newspapers).  Right?  All three examples exhibit ultimate capitalism.  Only self-interest drives each 'business' model.  Have you noticed that sports commentators often talk about "taking it to another level"? This level is never lower than the previous one.  Capitalism is at work everywhere in the world.

I've encountered two behaviors 'on the spectrum.'  ED and ADHD.  To end on another gripe, 1/6th of America's children ( have you noticed?) go to bed or are routinely hungry.  The Feeding America Food Bank system throws out this claim and cites that many children only get one meal at school each day; therefore, the food bank retrieving 'leftover' food, fills the gap of gnawing need.  I'm 'sickofit.'  Get even, take a trip to your local grocery.   

Wednesday, January 09, 2019


"The most dangerous war is that which has its origin in just claims denied or in a clash of opposing rights - and not merely opposing interests - when each side can see no reason in justice why it should yield its claim to the other."  Eamon De Valera  (Irish leader for a Free State).  This quote pretty much sums up last night's two-sided standoff on a border wall with Mexico.  Not good news. Better news is that my furry grey pelt greets me each AM flattened on the floor awaiting a rub on his belly with my feet.  No wonder cat videos are so popular. 

"Nanny Liberalism": 'Punish the poor until they become viruous.'  Mayor Jim Kenny ( from a liberal, Democrat place) said that he remains committed to the beverage tax which poor and working people can avoid paying.  He's not alone in passing rules which nanny about unwise choices only address the "poor and working." Why? How can they avoid a tax?  "This is a tax on a product that doesn't have to be purchased and is bad for you," Kenny said.   Refer to the quote above, in which it's apparent that two opposing ideologies will never meet.   Venturing out of my home to shop, I am guaranteed to see consumers sliding cases of Mountain Dew, Coke and Pepsi ( laden with sugar  'bad' for them) into their carts. Some instances involve 3 or 4 or 5 cases of 12 packs. These 'bad' people  have never heard of  Mayor Jim.  If they have heard of Mayor Jim stripping the rights from his 'bad' constituency like flaying rabbits, what do you think they would do? Strip their freedom?  Where I live, a pelt represents a legitimate victory of freedom.    

Tuesday, January 08, 2019


By now you probably expect me to somehow address the 'partial gov't. shutdown.'  First a digression on another syndrome on a spectrum - ROGD meaning rapid onset of gender dysphoria.  This syndrome is just another boondoggle to political correctness.  Back to 'shutdown hysteria, Democrats, news reporters and political pundits claim that government workers are being harmed by the shutdown.  Remember that almost a million workers receive higher than average salaries, better than average health insurance, less rigorous work loads, etc. , yet you are led to believe that life for them is "paycheck to paycheck.'  Give me a break!  A mortgage payment one month to default?  Unanticipated hunger?  A trip to the therapist for depression that cannot be financed?  Give me a break. Misguided reports lead you to believe they have no savings, no investments, no IRA's.  If employees spend at or beyond their means, without proper, prior financial planning,  they obviously will suffer during any temporary or permanent shutdown.  Care to guess their life style choices? 

You are not led to the fact that gov't employees will be reimbursed after the shutdown and will 'suffer' no economic loss. We Americans know our bureaucracies waste vast amounts of money. I'm addicted to outrage against this outrage.  I demand to receive treatment for my disease on the spectrum of  'sickofit.'  No chance.   

Monday, January 07, 2019


Shades of yesterday, don't forget the PTSD spectrum as another fraud. Today my 1st gripe involves SNAP, the government program that wastes 4.8 BILLION $ a month. How many walls could that money fund?  12 walls for 12 months at 4.8 billion a month. 

Today's 2nd gripe regards women who dominate radio commercials giving advice to men and all Americans.  Their whiney, high-pitched modern voices grate on me like chalk on a blackboard not a bit feminine.  Also,  when participating in a talk show venue, women talk over each other, blubber emotionally and banter without brains.

Give me a tranny;  give me a woman who thinks like a man and talks like a rational being.  

Sunday, January 06, 2019


Onto what 'spectrum' do you fall?  Too many words and feelings have been written and wasted analyzing a spectrum.  Yesterday it was the autism spectrum that came into play in a long newspaper article about how individuals on the "autism spectrum"  need help finding meaningful employment.  I'm so 'sickofit' - putting virtually each person who marches to a slightly different drummer on a spectrum. Basically, a personality is or is not autistic.  Real autism ( and I've seen its sad, debilitating consequences), is obvious. But a spectrum is validated within the DSM's broad ( and I do mean broad) definition of mental illness.  Is your one son slightly off kilter.  Is your daughter not conforming to the expectations of peer or teacher pressure?  Developmental timelines can blur or falter, but if your man or woman can basically function in society,  he or she is not on a spectrum.  He or she is on a journey through life.

What do you worship?  Yesterday's question was answered by T.S. Eliot who said a "river is a strong, brown god." Did he worship a river?  Catch the mistake in his words?  His word god is not capitalized which makes all the difference.  Keep searching for what's  worth homage.

Saturday, January 05, 2019


What you worship defines you as a person.  What do you  worship?  My resident orange squirrel worships sunflower seeds since for at least an hour he/she has been pigging them down from our outdoor bird-feeding dish.  Seriously, ask any person "What do you worship"?  and the answer will tell you everything you need to know about behaviour, appurtenances  and moral principles.  One's status on a afterlife will also be revealed.  For a few of my relatives  ( and friends),  I think the answer would be "Huh, oh nothing really.  Worshiping something  or someone isn't right.  Like what if you worshiped a sports' hero, musician, parent, sunset or mentor? Wouldn't that be overdoing it?

Perhaps you haven't checked the dictionary lately (few people lacking inquiring minds rarely do), for a definition of worship: " honor and homage to God or a sacred personage." The derivation involves 2 parts, worth and ship,  worth denoting worthy of reverent honor to that which you hold sacred  and ship denoting condition or character as in friendship.   So... What's is your God?  What's worth your worth ship? That is the question.  Hint:  look for the antithesis of a worthy answer to this question in today's politicians.       

Friday, January 04, 2019


One week into the New Year I figure it's time for at least a modicum of good news, this after  just hearing the grating voice of AOC punctuating the airways with her ignorance.  This after our local mayor want his new police chief to "exceed community expectations of public safety."  Duh.  He reads copy well.  This as now I hear more and more and more " f......"  over the radio, knowing "f..."  is the modern word for acceptable, civil language.  Anyway, here's my candidate for a thing of beauty that will last forever according to genius poet John Keats.  I can look forward to twelve months of admiring Gypsy Vanner horses on my 2019 calendar.   They are spirit-raising poetry-in motion if you watch them on a U-tube video. Search it!

The outside of a horse, Ronald Reagan said, is good for the inside of a man ( and woman). If a vision of  power encased in a glowing coat and flowing mane and tail glory leaves you cold perhaps a skateboard, a touchdown throw, a mountain climb, a fast drive, a molded naked body or a McDonald's Big Mac turns you on.  Go for it.  Go for that modicum of pleasure.  Relish.  Too much immersion in reality will bum you out.  

Thursday, January 03, 2019


#7  Won't work! Pour money into the pit anyway.  Here in Ohio, I read about a women's drug rehab farm designed to help victims of drug abuse get back their lives through 'mindfulness', counseling and a back-to-nature approach to daily life.  Won't work, I repeat.  Who or what is funding this nonsense?  YOU of course. #1 The Cuyahoga ADAMH program ( your money) #2 Ohio Recovery House ( your money) #3 Ohio Dep't. of Mental Health and Addiction ( your money) #4 USDA ( U.S. Dep't of Agriculture ( you money for gardening and livestock work).  As Mrs Slocum would say, 'I am unanimous' in my objection and will brook no objection to my objection.

Lack of self-control and destructive decisions  have put these special women (100 are waiting to be enrolled in the free program) into rehab.  Recidivism rates for most 'bad' behaviors, however, are high. Individuals who have 'completed' these programs cannot hold it together going forward.  Furthermore, without a loving God to be embraced as a living guide, government  rehab will fail.

One courageous man I know as my son who refused to take addictive  drugs for his pain from a horrendous auto accident uor associate with risky friends will remain invisible. But thousands of cowardly boys and girls (young and vulnerable to peer pressures) will be profiled in the media as candidates to be helped by your money in these new programs.  

Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Nobody cares

#7 Nobody cares if you are red, blue, black, yellow, brown or purple, short or tall, fat or thin,  as long as you can wield a chain saw and safely and effectively chop down or trim trees.  Men do the job; no women apply,   Really!  Why?  Inclination and competency, that's why.  Doing any job trumps gawking or talking about it who should do it.   Unfortunately, I'm 'sickofit'  ( to use my 2nd favorite  coined word) when today's 'woke' politicians and people with power and a megaphone, apply their correctness to employment and job creation.  Who cares how you look, talk, eat or think if you can get the job done?  Actually any dummy with work to be done or  a problem to be solved knows the answer trumps equivocation.   Have you noticed that  nobody cares about effective roofers working in the rain, paraders facing the elements, clerks reliably behind counters, trash collectors, plumbers, truck drivers and decent parents ( you get the picture).  Nobody cares unless they can be used as pawns for a 'politically correct' purpose.  Contrast productive Americans with  an  abstract philosopher, greedy lawyer, self-serving non-profit or do-good  politician crafting bills and legislation.  They provide no productive service. Yes, too many chefs spoil the broth.  

This new year and every year past and present, the arch of progress is fueled by workers who get the job done, nobody caring about color or creed.  But to those who do?   I'm 'sickofit.' 

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Unhappy New Year

# 6  Since we now live in a politically correct world in a politically correct new year, it's up to you to make your own happiness. Locally, last night nanny sheriffs were out in force to make your new year celebrations as unhappy as possible.  DUI checks and warnings against venturing out into the night rang in the new year.  Get this - even free shuttle services were available which included a FREE SLICE OF PIZZA AND A BOTTLE  OF .........Da Da .......WATER.  Needless to say, I stayed home with love at my side and drank NO water and only something bubbly.  Really, aren't you just  'sickofit' ( one of my favorite neologisms) meaning political correctness from the left side of all things seen unrealistically?

What can you account as real from your New Years Eve ?  I saw quiet shoppers, polite, cheerful churchgoers ( in spite of pouring rain, again) and read messages from children in distant countries.  But never to be far from the land of darkness, the head of the Teachers' Union put her members' support behind Hellary and/or Elizabeth for President, two peas in the same deceptive pod.