Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Nobody cares

#7 Nobody cares if you are red, blue, black, yellow, brown or purple, short or tall, fat or thin,  as long as you can wield a chain saw and safely and effectively chop down or trim trees.  Men do the job; no women apply,   Really!  Why?  Inclination and competency, that's why.  Doing any job trumps gawking or talking about it who should do it.   Unfortunately, I'm 'sickofit'  ( to use my 2nd favorite  coined word) when today's 'woke' politicians and people with power and a megaphone, apply their correctness to employment and job creation.  Who cares how you look, talk, eat or think if you can get the job done?  Actually any dummy with work to be done or  a problem to be solved knows the answer trumps equivocation.   Have you noticed that  nobody cares about effective roofers working in the rain, paraders facing the elements, clerks reliably behind counters, trash collectors, plumbers, truck drivers and decent parents ( you get the picture).  Nobody cares unless they can be used as pawns for a 'politically correct' purpose.  Contrast productive Americans with  an  abstract philosopher, greedy lawyer, self-serving non-profit or do-good  politician crafting bills and legislation.  They provide no productive service. Yes, too many chefs spoil the broth.  

This new year and every year past and present, the arch of progress is fueled by workers who get the job done, nobody caring about color or creed.  But to those who do?   I'm 'sickofit.' 


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