Monday, January 14, 2019

Knockout punch

It has not taken me long to suffer the one, two, three knockout punch this morning. First I'm hit by an ad against 'something terrible (as usual) that will "stop American medical invention." Now we know this is impossible.  Second I'm hit with an ad from Frisch's for a "mashed potato and chicken bowl" and/or a "three egg breakfast bowl." Now we know bowls are 'in' but why can't hungry people prepare their own food?   Third, my Catholic bishops have issued a letter to "Open Wide our Hearts" Americans must stop rampant racism in America by institutionalizing racism in America.  How is this contradiction possible?  They claim racism is the cause of our societal ills. Our sin is injustice.   They suggest we release criminals who are held in jails in disproportionate numbers (because of you guessed it - our racism).  But releasing criminals will only allow them to again prey upon their own race. Isn't racism then in reverse gear?  No, racism does not explain crime.  My guilt cannot absolve the sins of other immoral individuals. My bishops, however say it can if we open wide our hearts to love under the umbrella of justice.  Three strikes above;  I'm out of optimism for another morning. 

Doesn't it drive you crazy when you hear both ads and politicians act as prostitutes who say anything or do anything  that sounds or looks good? Our new Governor DeWine (from a completely political dynastic family) swore on not one, but NINE Bibles when he took his oath of office.  Theatre?  I don't attend the theatre.  


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