Saturday, January 05, 2019


What you worship defines you as a person.  What do you  worship?  My resident orange squirrel worships sunflower seeds since for at least an hour he/she has been pigging them down from our outdoor bird-feeding dish.  Seriously, ask any person "What do you worship"?  and the answer will tell you everything you need to know about behaviour, appurtenances  and moral principles.  One's status on a afterlife will also be revealed.  For a few of my relatives  ( and friends),  I think the answer would be "Huh, oh nothing really.  Worshiping something  or someone isn't right.  Like what if you worshiped a sports' hero, musician, parent, sunset or mentor? Wouldn't that be overdoing it?

Perhaps you haven't checked the dictionary lately (few people lacking inquiring minds rarely do), for a definition of worship: " honor and homage to God or a sacred personage." The derivation involves 2 parts, worth and ship,  worth denoting worthy of reverent honor to that which you hold sacred  and ship denoting condition or character as in friendship.   So... What's is your God?  What's worth your worth ship? That is the question.  Hint:  look for the antithesis of a worthy answer to this question in today's politicians.       


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