Thursday, July 31, 2008

Liberty for all

The son of his Private Secretary of the Admiralty, summed up Churchill’s political philosophy. "The key word.... is liberty. ... He demanded for himself freedom to follow his own star and he stood out for alike liberty for all men."

Another of Private Secretary, ‘Jock’ Colville, in 1969, called Churchill the "greatest man alive."

Another admirer, Captain Scott, gave Churchill credit for the two necessary qualities of greatness, "genius and plod."

But a baroness contemporary off Churchill said: "Winston was wrong about everything."

Winston himself through both pen and performance proved that he was mainly in the right. Those who felt the same as he did about the enemies of Communism, Fascism and socialism he faced were also correct. Churchill told a friend, Leo Amery, that evidence of God exists because of Lenin and Trotsky "for whom a hell was needed."

Liberty to express one’s beliefs, liberty to live them out, liberty engendered in the garden of Eden - liberty today in America has brought us two dynamically opposed candidates for President. The fact that Churchill inspired enemies does not negate the fact that he was usually right. Yet 25% of voters choose to exercise their liberty by not seeing the Lenin and Trotsky in the room. "Give me liberty or give me death," might the death knell of America as we know it if Barack Obama takes charge.


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