Friday, July 25, 2008

The black Snowball

Obama’s performance before the crowd in Berlin resembled a replay of Snowball’s speech in Animal Farm by George Orwell. Check it out. A few brave souls are speaking out against the black, socialist Messiah, like radio talk show host, Rush Limbaugh, and myself ( unheard, unhonored and unsung). Mystery writer Andrew Klavan, analyzing the popularity of the new movie "Dark Knight," points out that "All Americans know that freedom is better than slavery, love better than hate, kindness better than cruelty, tolerance better than bigotry." Sometimes one must kill to preserve life and violate values to maintain them, but so be it for the good. Yet liberal and socialist politicians, like aspiring Presidential candidate, Barack Obama, are intolerant of differing opinions when they pass cruelly repressive in laws restricting individual freedoms. They practice hate-mongering against conservatives and religion. They maintain double standards of morality and wealth - their life styles being O.K., the public’s being a source of ridicule or income. Klavan points out that movies with conservative principles that show the triumph of good over evil and perseverance and self-sacrifice over convenience, make money. Liberal Hollywood creates propaganda films which the devoted Media tout, but which lose money to the films with moral values. Nobility, found in the fight for the right, is relegated to comic-inspired or fantasy heroes. Films like 300, Narnia, Spiderman 3, Lord of the Rings, and now Dark Knight are examples. True heroes in America today, like President Bush, must "slink in the shadows, slump-shouldered and despised" according to Klavan. Snowball in Animal Farm and now the black Snowball, Obama, are not noble characters. Snowball and now the Black Snowball, Obama, wax eloquent before an adoring throng, but the devil is in the details of what comes unhappily ever after.


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