Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Another worthless survey

1 out of 8 Americans patronized a food bank in 2009. Another worthless survey by Feeding America states that growing health care costs and high unemployment undermine increases in federal spending on nutrition programs. Consequently, the needs at food banks have increased more than 50% since 2005. Remember: the more food you offer free, the more will be whisked away. Well, were saved because the big O has said that he will end childhood hunger by 2015 ( No doubt this will coincide with his effort to combat the epidemic of obesity.). I wonder how Obama will explain this contradiction or offer help to the mother who just stabbed to death her two children in San Antonio or to the two children who have no hope of hunger or obesity in their future because their insane mother killed them. Contradiction? Doublespeak is Obama’s and the progressives’ game. Always question the methodology used in a funded survey that supports an agenda. The agenda of Feeding America and the liberals is to ‘reduce’ (not) health care costs by single payer, universal health care, i.e. socialized medicine and to lower unemployment (not) by more government spending on temporary make-work projects ( resembling Roosevelt’s programs during the depression). Both solutions reek. Both solutions are being propagandized to the public under the guise of populism. They use the language of contradiction and incomprehensibility. An apt example would be a phrase I heard this morning from a local basketball coach. In love with gab and dobbledygook ( which I never understand) that would make a politician proud, he referred to the need for “point production from the big man inside.”

Well the only big man I know is the big O. Just like the coach who mouths no intelligible meaning, Obama’s every utterance involves contradiction and fathomless rhetoric. He scores no points with me or my fellow, rational Americans.


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