Saturday, January 23, 2010

No good, just grief

A fellow American asks a question and answers it himself. “Is he (Obama) a nut? No. He's just a corrupt, sneaky, power-crazed, arrogant, ignorant fool of a politician. But I wouldn't go so far as to call him a nut. That would be an unconscionable slur to nuts everywhere.” I dearly like my wild, black walnuts harvesting them myself. I also dearly like freedom to choose my lifestyle. So far so good, since it’s still intact, but swirling around me are too many ignorant citizens falling for the idea of equitable distribution of wealth based on a false premise. Wealth is first to be created, thence it will be distributed, always inequitably, but preferably in sufficient supply to raise the standard of living for more people than would otherwise be possible. Only capitalism can do this. My fellow American’s corrupt, sneaky, power-crazed, arrogant ignorant fool of a politician is also an elitist snob governing from a communistic point of view from his ivory tower. Wasting my and other citizens’ monies phases him not as he pretends to feel our pain while assigning blame to wealth generators. No good comes of it, just grief!


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