Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Optional reality

Is reality optional nowadays or has civilization just become incompetent? Seems no reasonable solution can be found for the prevalence of Somali piracy, no common sense method exists for detaining terrorists, no rational assessment can be made of climate change and no ability prevails to rebuild Ground Zero in New York after 9 years. America and the world are nuts! Homo sapiens has surrendered his sapiens to political correctness, liberalism and modern progressive thinking, to a Utopian or Unicorn vision of reality. Where do we go from here? Do we continue down the same path in 2010? I say, ‘Hell, no.’

The trouble with following the herd is stepping in what it leaves behind. - turds of lost freedoms, scat reminders of what we’ve lost and are continuing to lose day by day. We have lost the freedom to be courageous against deadly enemies, the freedom required to kill not accommate them. We have lost the freedom to educate ourselves about environmental facts. We have lost the freedom to make informed decisions without worrying about who might take offence. Each dropped turd of a lost freedom exposes the dirty little secret that we Americans, and nutty civilized peoples around the world, have abandoned reason, have made reality optional. Happy New Year 2010.


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