Monday, September 22, 2008

Obesity epidemic

6' 7" 290 lbs. ea. for 2 local high school football players. In fact, several "kids" weigh 270,280 and 290 lbs. to hear a local football coach tell it. What better proof of an obesity epidemic in America? Too much food is resulting in larger and bulkier bodies available for positions on athletic fields of play. Too many calories not burned off also result in obesity. Is this not a great country or what? A local coach utilizes words like "legend" and phrases like "stole his thunder," for 7th and 8th graders. Politics is a whole different game for sports’ fanatics. Hope for him embodies the opponent’s quarterback not "winning the snap." Change for him means additional fans who "take a gander" at his athletes. The size of youth today represents food for thought. Abundance of nutrition is a double-decker cheeseburger. One level provides for bigger, healthier athletes. A second level facilitates overweight, even obese youth and adults. Yes, prosperity has allowed for individuals to "Have it your way," as suggested in a commercial for Burger King.


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