Saturday, September 13, 2008


Virginia Woolf, the elitist, English novelist and essayist of the early 20th century asked: "Is the life of a charwoman who has brought up 8 children of less value to the world than the barrister who has made a 100,000 pounds?" What say you? Virginia, by the way, maintained her distance from the world of the commoner as an elitist with servants throughout her life. I say without equivocation or apology, the world of the barrister would not be possible without the dedication and vocation of a mother. I say lawyers have wreaked greater harm on society in their pursuit of the common good than a simple woman serving a worthy cause. I say understanding the chasm between the two strata, commoner and elitist, is vital. It demonstrates the difference between educated, right judgment and an alienated, socialist philosophy. Allowing for the poetic license of exaggeration, I say compare Sarah Palin vs. Barack Obama. Who has more value to offer America?


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