Saturday, August 24, 2019

Girly men

Nothing beats empirical evidence or studying reality for a while. Most girly men, emotional, touchy-feely, liberal thinking 'men' with questionable testosterone tend to have female offspring.  Not all the time. But I've often said, "of course, he has girls."  Since I'm not 'woke' to the brave, new world we now inhabit, just disregard whatever I say at the peril of being labeled 'ist.'

Columbus schools provide free feminine hygiene products. One thing above is like the other isn't it? A George Orwell quote is on order:  "We have sunk to such a depth that the restatement of the obvious has become the first duty of intelligent men."  Oops, a wise man used the 'bad' word 'men.'  

Are you not tired of hearing from the progressive Democrat left, that we have the most expensive and worst health care system in the world, BUT Ruth Bader Ginsberg who has had 4 bouts with cancer at 85 is not dead yet!!!!!!!!!!!!


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