Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Four Horsemen

French president Valery Giscard d'Estang in the 1980's called the crises in energy, food, population, and economics, the "four horsemen" of the modern Apocalypse. Has this prognostication changed? Only if you know it to be false. Our president Obama makes a statement that "now is the time to focus on nation building at home." He also said that "we can't simply cut our way to prosperity." Oh,yes,we can.

No energy, food, population or economic crises exist except in the minds of liberals who can't penetrate the mist through which they view reality. The only way to prosperity IS less government intrusion.

To cinch my case about contradicting reality, one need only to listen to 'ads' on radio. A woman points out that heart disease runs in her family so we must ALL do something to prevent it. One woman dies every.... etc. etc. etc. Of course, one can't prevent something that 'runs' in a family and it's useless to solicit funds for intervention and prevention.

Public service announcements render citizens a disservice.


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