Monday, June 20, 2011

What's good and old

Dig out a trowel if you have one. Know that it plops down a layer of cement and then smoothes it over. Know too that 'laying it on with a trowel' is synonymous with sentimental slop in a film. But is this good? You betchya. Watching a 1934 movie called "Bright Eyes" with Shirley Temple, I yearn for the good, old days when the optimistic, cheerful, sweet, innocent, thoughtful child can be contrasted with the spoiled brat and the audience be expected to root for Shirley with the curls. We need to lay goodness and light onto our culture today with a trowel because man oh man(in both romance and fatherhood) we've lost manhood and femininity. One's heart can feel good and one's mind can rest in the truth of simplistic characters and clever plots that actually engage you as you anticipate the unfolding climax and denouement. How many children do you know today with 'bright eyes' AND BRIGHT SOULS?


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