Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Game for change festival

At a Game for Change Festival (?) Al Gore spoke of the need for 'the ubiquituous availability of fertility management'. Parents should not exceed the replacement rate which means having only 2 kids. Girls and women should be 'empowered' to choose the number of children and their spacing. Yet, men's and women's sexual urges need not be curtailed in this brave new world. OVERPOPULATION demands this fix. 1st, there is no overpopulation. Trust God on this one because He usually manages to wipe out large numbers with natural catastrophes now and then. 2nd, how can America, for example, have an obesity epidemic if we suffer from overpopulation? 3rd, the person speaking, might I remind you, is a former vice-president of the U.S.A.

You say Al says there is no God? Trust me again to point out that the non-existent He has allowed this insane man with his free will to blaspheme (play God).


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