Thursday, April 29, 2010

Literally a police state

In Quincy, Illinois, Obama was holding another rally trying to gather support for his unpopular ObamaCare program and some Tea Party protestors were there but they were monitored by the police. The response by the city was 14 Mobile Response Forces (police) in full black regalia and body armor marching down the street in intimidating fashion asking the protesters to stay on the sidewalks. Films of Nazi SS troopers in support of Hitler never looked to good! The paranoia on the left has escalated since I and my ‘crazed’ husband attended our Columbus tea party last year and only 4 mounted policemen monitored our goings-on. Originally 6 beautiful horses and unattractive riders arrived to ‘watch’ us dangerous seniors and families with and without children in tow, but 2 mounted policemen soon left after telling us that banners on sticks were not allowed ( because? )

Yes, we have come to this (and that) while our big O delivers a politically-correct eulogy at the memorial service of a civil rights leader ( in a Cathedral no less). Such an outrage to American patriotism and America’s God will not soon come again.


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