Wednesday, April 07, 2010


To prove that influential people can be wrong and dangerous I quote from the last pages of activist, radical and community organizer, Saul D. Alinsky’s 1971 book, RULES FOR RADICALS. “America’s corporations are a spiritual slum; their arrogance is a major threat to our future as a free society.” Luckily Saul died early, because imagine what further poison this man would have released into our political atmosphere. I am the C of TCM Incorporated, an arrogant corporation, but I am not responsible for a spiritual slum of a business. I and my capitalistic, free market thinking am the last, best hope for a change in thinking in our beloved country. Freedom does not mean a leveling of choices by our government.

Alinsky was a par excellence agitator who preached stirring up trouble by workers’ protesting three especially ‘bad’ conditions. 1. Being underpaid. 2. Being a victim of discrimination and 3. Having no job security. As usual, liberals like Alinsky lie by turning reality upside down and inside out. 1. No employee is underpaid; the market and the employer have the right to determine pay. 2. No worker deserves a job unless the employer decides he or she fits the requirements of profitability for the company. 3. No job is secure because life is unpredictable and often unfair. My corporation exists to benefit the shareholders who invest in it hoping to reap a profit. TCM Inc exists to spread wealth through its offering of products and services. Am I arrogant? No. In a just society, any citizen can duplicate my corporation as a matter of choice and opportunity. Period. Alinsky lies. Our President, Barrack Obama is a protégée pf Alinsky.


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