Monday, March 22, 2010

Easter duty

The Democrat liberals have done their Easter Duty. Christ hung on the cross and died so that men could be freed from original sin and redeemed into a brave, new world blessed with free will. With the passage of the Obamacare health bill on a Sunday in Lent, freedom died and the politicians applauded!

Irony or fate? We children of God received the gift of choice which is unfortunately often abused. Pictures on the Internet of Catholics for health care taken by the media in Washington prove my point. They shame me and my religion. But I am not surprised. Nothing surprises me. Nothing is new or shocking on earth since Adam and Eve exercised free will and were banished from paradise.

On the Lord’s Day, during a time of significant Catholic religious observance, the social justice politicians ( i.e. socialists, progressives, migrating Communists ) fulfilled their Easter duty. They didn’t follow the Church’s teaching on fasting, abstinence, confession and communion during Eastertide; instead, in one night, like on one day Good Friday when Jesus changed the course of the world, Congress chose to alter the course of freedom in my beloved America. Government now substitutes for the free will of the people.


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