Saturday, March 06, 2010

Useful study

Finally, a useful study. Men on skateboards reacted to women observing them with greater displays of daring and do. Testosterone kicks in to prove that evolution and genetics control behavior. What would be abnormal according to this scientific evidence? Homosexuality. So, what further proof do we need of natural vs. unnatural behavior, morality aside. Except for liberals, of course. What is religion to liberals in the form of science is thrown out the window when an agenda takes precedence, the justification of homosexuality. We rational people will never understand liberals - or should we try.

As Peggy Noonan expressed it today, we are “mourning in America,” a play on Ronald Reagan’s special, optimistic phrase, “morning in America.” In contrast to sunny Ronald Reagan, our dark Knight, the big O, preaches doom and gloom once in office even though his campaign message was one of “hope and change.” “Hope and change” have morphed into mourning. It looks like socialized medicine will be his Easter gift that keeps on taking away. Then again, America’s most expensive commodity is ignorance. George Eliot, the writer, said that we are “all born in moral stupidity and the world is an udder to feed our supreme selves. “ Ayn Rand or Spinoza couldn’t have agreed more. America and the rest of the world have in too many ways advanced stupidity to an unsustainable level. Blatant contradiction determines human behavior. For example, citizens elect conservatives to state offices because they don’t want politicians to spend their money but they elect liberals to national office because they want politicians to spend other people’s money ( which is, of course, still theirs). No consistency here in logic or common sense. Also, civilization has advanced to the stage where a decision must be made between the sage grouse as an endangered species or progress in wind, oil and gas energy. Another example is that of a ‘stupid’ local shoplifter who lands himself in the hospital after trying to swim a river as his getaway. And now the Cash for Clunkers program is succeeded by an Appliance Energy Star Rebate program that again requires a outlay of 10 times the amount of the ‘savings’ from an inefficiently run, ultra complicated, government program. When will ‘stupid’ consumers learn? In Zurich, Switzerland the triumph of animal over human is proven when laws require fish tanks and bird cages to have one opaque side to provide security for the inhabitants. I say, put liberals into the cages and tanks and set the ignorant creatures free. How could we be any worse off?


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