Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"Put people 1st"

“Put people 1st and not the demands of the market,” strikers shout in Greece. Too bad ignorance blinds these union members to the truth that only the market can put people 1st. The abandonment of the market has led to the crisis in Greece, America and other countries around the world. The NAACP honors Van Jones ( a Communist). Black folks blindly support President Obama because he’s black. The tragic irony is that the NAACP and blacks who theoretically support the causes of equality and freedom, in reality perpetuate slavery under the new Massah, the new overseer of the plantation, the Government that represses freedom and the pursuit of happiness provided by the free market. Only capitalism offers the possibility of uplifting slaves into better lives. But no, blacks and socialist and communist sympathizers would rather believe a lie and continue to protest in desperation. Unions and big government have subsidized slave grievances via welfare, affirmative action, grants or cushy benefits. American blacks and Greeks need to be outraged at their own ignorance.


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