Wednesday, March 03, 2010


I can’t resist the perfect metaphor with this thought: “ Socialized medicine is a bitter pill to swallow.” Especially today when our big O Presidente Obama announces another variation on a dangerous governmental medication - unnecessary, unholistic, unprophylactic and wholly homeopathic prescribed as an overdose of spending and debt. Such a metaphor reminds me of another observation I made this morning while eating my egg yolk, sausage and potato. I only like what’s fattening, for example, cream, egg yolks and marrow literally sucked from a bone. I reject cooked egg whites, low fat pastries, light desserts, vegetarian snacks and substitute ingredients - you get the picture. Are my tastes genetic? Or is my appreciation of the best in food and drink a result of environmental conditions? I reject the latter possibility because exposure to a variety in ambrosia and nectar does not guarantee a gourmet. When I think about the inherent reversal of reality which typifies liberals (progressives, socialists, Communists ) I must conclude that, thank my God who is anathema to the liberals, I have been blessed with the ability to embrace truth. Great foodstuffs ( not just the good ) usually come wrapped in caloric packaging. If I acknowledge this reality, I’m in an alternative world from a liberal, where the lie is all.


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