Wednesday, March 10, 2010


“You must live alone, if you wanted to preserve yourself, if you understand existence, if you wanted to attain wisdom, you had to live alone.” These are the words of the old stag from BAMBI, the novel by Felix Salten, subtitled A Life in the Forest spoken to his beloved friend, Bambi. “Singleness” was the stag’s very first words to Bambi and virtually his last as he walked into the forest to die. “There is Another who is over us all, over us ( deer) and over Him (man), the wise old stag reminds Bambi.”

Each of us is alone. Alone to chart our destiny, alone, alone in the hour approached by the old stag in BAMBI, alone to be the person we were meant to be. ...Unless liberals step into our lives. Bruce Graham, the architect of the Sears Tower ( now the Willis Tower) in Chicago, charted his own destiny which just happened to include smoking. Still, he lived to be 83, contrary to what liberal nannies try to tell us about smoking curtailing a life. Liberals they try to mandate cigarettes out of existence. Without his cigarettes for recreation, compensation, inspiration or diversion, what would Mr. Graham, the creator have done? ion is a suffix meaning ‘go’ as in a state of being. What could, would, should, have this man been without his freedom of action and thought specific to him and him alone? Including his addictions.

Is it not true that only Another is greater and wiser not the liberals, the government, the nannies or the scolds who try to tell us how to pursue happiness in our singular lives?

Incidentally, BAMBI is a must read.


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