Friday, April 17, 2009

A world of words

Pre 1865, American lived in a world of wood, which William Penn called "a substance with a
soul." In 1765, a Boston merchant said that "With our land’s wealth, we can all afford to be independent. There is probably nothing a man needs that we cannot make or grow in America. Look about you! Except for a piece of silk here and there, the clothes on our backs and every stick in our houses is American. We can be, indeed we are, the most independent people on earth." Fast forward to 2009, a chemically and electronically dependent country rendered totally without shame by years of consumption and instant gratification. Americans re-interpret words so they are what they want to hear. Along comes Barack Obama who pulled the wool over enough eyes to become President. Our country is promised hope and change. When Obama promises that "everything I say, there’s a price to pay," his followers acquiesce with patriotic feeling.


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