Wednesday, April 08, 2009


‘Obama to America, all my words are to be heeded. All bets on irresponsibility are on the table. All name-calling must be punished. Off with the heads of reason.’

Here are a few backup examples of the state of our culture excluding a daily dose of murder and mayhem, familial, societal and even animal in the case of the shooting of Marcus Luttrell’s dog, Dazy. Poor little ones, ages 3-5 in pre-school are out of control even though they don’t belong in indoctrination ‘u’ so early at the expense of parents who choose not to teach them good behavior or allow them to be uninhibited, inquiring children. Music critics with geriatric age qualifications refuse to get a ‘religion’ because they still believe in the "covenant between rock guitarists and their audiences. Our government has added life insurance companies to the list of bailout recipients. GM encourages debt and irresponsibility by offering to pay up to $500 a month for 12 months to consumers who lose their job and can’t make their car payments. I for one am not a taxpayer who approves of this use of my indenture because I choose to drive a used vehicle and avoid credit. Two more crooks have gotten ‘away with it’ - Sen. Ted Stevens with theft in office; Al Franken with theft of office.

‘We are all in this together according to our multi-labeled leader who speaks the foreign language of forked-tongue. No, we are not all in this together, President Obama. Have you noticed that whether delineated as a liberal, a Marxist, a Fascist, a progressive, a socialist or a collectivist, no one is also calling you a Democrat? American to Obama, "All your words are to be ignored; all your ideas to be rejected. Long live our free Republic."

Heads up America, all Obama messages should be ignored. On with liberty


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