Sunday, April 05, 2009

End times again

In 1887, Dr. Parker eulogized Henry Ward Beecher as a man who "came to earth in summer; went to Heaven in spring. Wherever he came among men he brought June sunshine and music, and made even desponding and surly men feel that a fuller and warmer, ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ itself, was ‘at hand.’ ... To know God, to love God, to accept Christ, to serve Christ, to magnify Christ, to grow in grace, in knowledge, and in truth, to be pure, wise, gentle, sympathetic, were the glowing dogmas which gave his immortal ministry its strength and glory." ... Mere eulogy is a waxen flower, that melts n the hand that proudly grasps it; but true eulogy is a living flower, rooted alike in earth and sun."

In 2009, too many men and women in Europe and the United States laud our new President Obama for his sense of "activism, dynamism, youth, vigor and radicalism," and irresistible appeal according to a smitten journalist and commentator, P. Noonan.

The contrast between Beecher and Obama is stark; no comparison is apt. A similarity can be drawn, however, between events 2000 thousand years ago and events today. In the Old Testament of the Bible, the righteous God repeatedly punished his sinful people. Today, 2000 years after the New Testament, the would-be gods called socialists, collectivists, pleasure Nazis and liberal Fascists punish people willy-nilly, for politically incorrect transgressions and sins of self-interest. Their imposed rules and regulations, like self-flagellations, attempt to replace peoples’ free wills while at the same time they ignore and avoid the root cause of sinfulness in societies - the abandonment of God’s commandments.

Easter’s here again to remind us it’s the season for true repentance, for a return to the reason for righteousness - adherence God’s moral rules of conduct. Good luck, America. Happy Easter Egg hunting. Our leader’s name is Obama not Beecher.


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