Thursday, March 26, 2009


Borrow and spend, save and invest - are these opposing concepts? Obama contends that Americans now must end the ‘borrow and spend’ era to enter the ‘save and invest’ era. Trouble is, the word invest means ‘spend’ to a liberal, and ‘save’ is meaningless except as a substitute for sacrifice when less discretionary income is available after higher taxes and governmental punishments and regulations. Obama does not mean what he says. No liberal means what he says; instead he means the opposite because his view of reality is inverted and his view cannot be ‘negotiated.’

We know that education is the enemy of oppression which explains Obama’s agenda for spending on a ‘failed’ public educational system that is grandly successful in its promotion of ignorance. The bliss of ignorance serves creeping socialist liberals and their leader, and Obama well.
The goal of eliminating competition also serves the liberal cause except in the sports’ arenas where we see victory is pursued rather than defeat. Just the fact that winning is the goal of a team or an individual tends to eliminate cheating because rules and watchdogs allow for a fair triumph as opposed to no triumph at all. But with liberalism’s creeping socialism, citizens are supposed to be content with shared success and sacrifice.

An American guerrilla in the Phillippines during World War II lived by the philosophy that "A man is not a quitter who, once he makes a fight his own, can be stopped only by death." Such integrity has ceased to exist in the liberal, political climate in Washington where the war on the economy is the only war they intend to fight to the metaphorical (not literal) death.

As my husband e-mailed President Obama, "If you are not a socialist, why can’t you give a ringing endorsement of capitalism that will unleash the power of individuals and companies to create wealth? Yes, why? A call to express one’s opinion over the Internet to Obama, is not a call to the public to express their opinions over the Internet to Obama; it is just the opposite - a call to identify Obama’s opponents in order to devise ways to crush them with more borrowing, more spending, more forced saving, more investing (spending). Words mean nothing.


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