Monday, March 23, 2009


However means in whatever manner, by whatever means, notwithstanding, still, yet, nevertheless, nonetheless (opposition). Whether using a dictionary or a thesaurus, the big O’s administration masters the definition of ‘however.’ No issue or edict of the big O exists without its contradiction. Also, according to the literal definition of by whatever manner or whatever means, this is how the big O’s philosophy and agenda are implemented.

Then too, liberalism etches the concept of however into Americans’ psyches. How sad. to
read a company’s ad that, "A smarter planet needs smarter food." The claims calls for an however, because we must remember people on this planet are becoming less smart, willfully more ignorant. Another example is Obama’s passing a simple rollback of a restriction in travel to Cuba. However, we need to remember, it only lasts until the 9/30/09.

With the big O’s administration, nothing ( 0 ) lasts. Rather than being written in stone, rules are writ on water. All of Obama’s promises have an expiration date. Obama’s mantras have been to hate the rich, punish the successful and regulate business and trade. However, he and Geithner now want private investors and the market to rescue the ailing economy and banks. Who would volunteer to be beaten down by regulations and publically humiliated at the whim of a Marxist, Pollyana dolt according to a perceptive blogger?

However, you feel about the big O, however you disagree with his policies, you surely hope his creeping socialism fails. However, since too many liberals and groupies still support him, you know that relief for your present pain will be a long time coming. O, God. However we humans discredit our race, please help us!


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