Saturday, March 14, 2009

Not a liberal tea party

If not me, who? Who will tell it like it is? Unless a man is honest, there is no need to keep him in public office. Such sentiments of Teddy Roosevelt were echoed at the Columbus Tea Party we attended Sat.3/14/. "Kick them all (entrenched spenders) out." "They all ( Washington elitists) have to go." Fliers were handed out, one of which read, "I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine." These words uttered by John Galt in Ayn Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged were on full and frontal display at the rally. Calls for self-reliance and governmental non-intrusion and contempt for the stimulous package were loudly raised. Many signs expressing displeasure were displayed. Our sign was disallowed unless we removed the 2 wood sticks supporting it. Fear of terrorism, you know, the policeman told us. Give me a break! We’re rational people. Five - I repeat 5 - gorgeous, fit horses with policeman mounted on them appeared to block the sidewalk and observe what? A riot from rational, Republican and conservative citizens? What a waste of taxpayers dollars! The horses were as well behaved as we partygoers. Enthusiasm ran high for ousting Obama and his spending-crazed Washington elite. If a request had been made for a member of the audience to speak, perhaps I would have declared my candidacy for President. My cabinet from the local phone book would have been approved by the attendees over Obama’s porkulous politicians. No member of the local press or radio station was present (even though the local newspaper headquarters was ACROSS THE STREET. So much for liberals vs. conservatives, for those with their hands out to grab freebies from government, caring less that we who attended this rally, this tea party ( and other taxpayers like us) are those forced to pay for irresponsibility. Taking our America back is what these tea parties is all about. Two mounted men in full riot gear left the scene early; the remaining three also did not earn their pay. Since they were unnecessary in the first place, what more proof do liberals need than that somebody Democrat and liberal thought horsies would be needed for crowd control not for admiration purposes ( though no person was ‘allowed to touch the beasties on guard duty.’ Liberals typically represent trouble but they themselves are the problem.


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