Saturday, March 07, 2009

Creeping socialism

If not me, who? Who will tell it like it is? The partisanship that still exists within the Republican continues to undermine its mission. It’s mission is the conservative revolution but no one but me represents it and feels compelled to lead it. Why cannot all Republicans, including of course, conservatives, embrace the right, meet, proper and just philosophy and suggested policies of a leader like Rush Limbaugh ( who has failed to note my notes, e-mails and overtures).

Obama’ new administration has the overtones and underpinnings of creeping socialism. The supremacy of the state by any means which characterizes a method of governance called fascism, also features in this Obama administration.

The result of Obamanomics and Obamanism is dependency, irresponsibility and immorality because the goal is submission to moral hazards. Rewarding bad decisions when it fits the liberal agenda creates moral hazard. Punishing bad decisions when it fits the liberal agenda strips free will of its consequences. This latter is not a moral hazard, but a deprivation of freedom. A new slave state called America dawns.

Even Ho Chi Minh, the Communist leader in Viet Nam during the decades of the 1940's to 1960's said: "Nothing is more precious than independence and liberty." A family living in Viet Nam in 1943 believed that their goals were to "study, to become good and to become rich."

Is American now becoming less free, less educated, less good and less rich than even that tiny, often invaded country of Viet Nam in 1943? You bet. Communism failed in Viet Nam. It and socialism have failed wherever they has been tried, but Obama has just begun to take us down his road to serfdom.


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