Monday, March 02, 2009

Gogol and me

A pundit says, "Today's cackling by politicians and pundits about how the auto industry should be restructured, the health-care industry overhauled, and the banking industry reorganized is deafening. Surely I'm not alone in being horrified that so many people with no experience in these industries - and with no skin in any of these games - fancy themselves qualified to pontificate about matters on which their knowledge can't possibly be more than superficial." Who could disagree?

This cascade of instructions from the inexperienced calls to mind a passage from Gogol's Dead Souls: "He talks about everything, touches lightly on everything, he says everything he has filched out of books brightly and picturesquely, but he hasn't got any of it in his head; and you see afterwards that a talk with a humble merchant who knows nothing but his own business but does know that thoroughly and by experience, is better than all these chatterboxes." Who could disagree?’

Intellectuals, especially liberal intellectuals, always disagree with reality. Even George Orwell knew that they did not THINK and did not love the TRUTH. It is impossible to communicate with liberals, to expect bi-partisanship. Their perversion of reality is systemic and often deliberate as in today’s case of Rahm Emanuel’s distortion of conservative Rush Limbaugh’s disapproval of our President Obama’s policies and agendas. Condemnation of our past President Bush was fine and dandy, both personally and on the policy front for liberals, but the opposite now is not true when it comes conservatives’ ideological and moral disdain for the socialism and government control that Obama represents. No sword can be double-edged with the liberals. The single blade’s sole purpose is to cut a conservative down, like a terrorist might behead his victim.

I am the lonley conservative typing here aware of the fact that my country needs me to represent the future revolution. Until then, it will require small, unremitting, incremental miracles to slowly turn this country back from the road Obama is taking it down. It also will require a repudiation of what is wrong and an agenda for what is right. Pun intended. Republicans have blown it by overspending, over-regulating and abrogating free market principles. The loss of this country’s moral compass should be noted too.

I have never entertained the possibility of the loss of my fiscal and personal responsibility. Such is alien to my nature. I am the nobody from nowhere unencumbered by political ties or personal ambition. What have we got to lose but our chains of the change with which the libs have shackled us?


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