Sunday, February 15, 2009

A call from Spinoza

"Reason can show us the difference between what is temporary and what is permanent. In a desperate situation, unless you are able to apply reason, the logical conclusion can only be suicide, or, at the very least anguish."

Think of one diagnosed with a fatal illness like multiple sclerosis or a citizen now condemned to endure living in the Obama nation when you read these words of Spinoza, the philosopher. His call for sanity and reason in an insane situation appeals to me. What about you? Doubt the insanity of government control and socialism now taking hold (like the grip of a mean disease)? Obama’s administration calls for a "modernization" of the home mortgage industry by lowering the interest rates that customers pay in order to keep the deadbeats in their homes. Wouldn’t debtors in over their heads be better off just defaulting and taking up rental living? Forget about fairness to those who have been financially responsible in their payments. Forget about the free market determining interest rates. Life in the Obama nation governed by the irrational, excuses and favors the irresponsible.

So bring on Spinoza. Temporarily or permanently, all is not lost in this cowardly, new world. Being honest, moral and self-reliant is still reasonable and the sane way to approach life. My advice is to shun suicide, remain cheerful and righteous and reality be damned!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your comparison of my disease to liberalism is nonsense. First I should clarify for your readers that although MS can cause severe disability, it is not a terminal disease in and of itself. We have an almost normal life expectancy. (-7 years on average).

My question to you is:
Are all those that have fallen on hard times irresponsible, irrational deadbeats who are full of excuses? If someone is finding it difficult to make ends meet, you seem to suggest that those folks are cowardly, dishonest, immoral, and dependent upon others as if they were a parasite on America regardless that many of them have fallen victim to predatory lending practices or have had the unfathomable happen to them like an unexpected and grim diagnosis.

If you have compassion for those folks then I urge you to get involved in helping the less fortunate by volunteering or donating to the cause of your choice. Try to understand the root problem instead of simply assuming that all those that need help are all lazy, uneducated people simply trying to get a free ride.


11:18 AM  

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