Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Lyubovs Day

America might as well celebrate Valentine’s Days as ‘From Russia, with Lyubov.’ We going socialistic as we jettison capitalism Ironically, the 3 Baltic Tigers, liberated from Communist rule around 1990, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania ‘get’ the message of capitalism. They have been raging forward because they have opened markets, become economically liberal and provided for fast privatization, a stable currency and a flat tax. We, on the other hand, in the new Age of Obama, are reversing each of the above benefits of capitalism. The Baltic Tigers have shown 11% - 12 % economic growth and a 60% -70% increase in their standard of living since 1992. Look for America to reverse direction beginning NOW. Food prices have already risen; the quality of life will gradually fall. Yes, because of 800 billion in unnecessary spending and aid and phoney tax cuts leading to a few trillion dollars of debt, America will lose its status as empire, as world leader, as soaring eagle or trumpeting elephant. We will become like a laughing donkey, i.e. ass. But Obama loves you brother and sister, never fear. The only thing we have to fear is fear of Obama himself.


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