Thursday, March 05, 2009

Phantom revenue

To what does the phrase of double-speak right out of 1984, refer? My state’s governor
employs liberal double-speak generously in his speeches to common men and women. His gems of misdirection perpetuate the President’s socialist agenda and goal to transition America from our traditional system of capitalism to socialism. The pain is not being perceived or felt by Obama’s comrades. When my governor does speak clearly saying that 59% of the funding burden for a local school system will come from the state, his listeners, who have been trained to glaze over thought, accept another step forward into socialism without question.

You who out there do you know the definition of socialism? It’s the public collective ownership or control of the basic means of production, distribution and exchange with the avowed aim of operating for use rather than for profit and of assuring to each member of society an equitable share of good, service, and welfare benefits. It’s a system of social and economic organization planned, attempted or achieved through various methods - Utopian, Christian, Guild, Fabian or British Labour Party (more on this tomorrow), Marxist-Leninist, or creeping... Which methods apply to the present administration?

Creeping, creepy, you got it! Creeping socialism is anything considered as a gradual or piecemeal encroachment upon the system of private property and free enterprise through state action. In 5 weeks, Obama has put into play much, scarey ‘encroachment’ upon capitalism.

Remember, socialism is an economic and political system (think Obama) aiming at public (no) or government (yes) ownership of means of production, etc. The devil is in the etc. More tomorrow.


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